It was worrying, but not altogether surprising to learn that as many as 6/10 major companies don’t have adequate talent planning. Survey findings in People Management revealed this lack of a “systematic or strategic approach” to recruiting, developing and retaining talent to meet future business needs.
Ignorance is surely no excuse in this case. The ‘war for talent’ has been very well documented. It is firmly entrenched on the corporate agenda for big businesses. And with the shortages of skilled workers becoming more acute, now is the time for action.
More major companies must now consider a longer term approach to talent planning. Too many still appear to be short-sighted in their approach. This is backed up by the survey findings. Results show that talent programmes focus primarily on experienced executives – only 35% of companies systematically develop younger talent.
As the shortage of skilled workers and business leaders deepens, a more forward-thinking approach is needed. Having established criteria to define and identify talent, introducing an automated performance and talent management solution will help you spot next generation leaders within the organisation.