Today’s newspapers and news outlets are almost all carrying a similar story regarding the over 50s “sleepwalking  into old age” with respect to their pension provision following comment by the National Association of Pension Funds (NAPF) and a report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies regarding increased life expectancy.


Such issues are extremely important as is the allied issue about older people sleepwalking towards an unhealthy old age by virtue of their inappropriate lifestyle choices.

There is no shortage of information on these topics but rather people just do not seem to want to put any effort into understanding these things, matters which are going to affect a great part of their lives in a very fundamental way. Rather like my disappointment at not winning the lottery can be largely explained by the fact that I don’t buy any lottery tickets so individuals must show greater commitment and take greater responsibility for their own future well-being.

We all know it’s boring, we all know the institutions have vested interests (note the focus here on pensions and not other forms of financial provision) and we all know it can be difficult – but not that difficult, not the basics anyway!

So that people can get their heads around some of the issues I attach below the link to a brief description which I wrote a few years ago and which has not changed in the slightest way – except become more urgent.