Recognise This! – For best effect, communicate in ways that both intrigue (pull) and deliver needed information (push).

I enjoyed leading a webinar yesterday with on “The Art and Science of Recognition Training and Communications: The Push and Pull Effects.” In the webinar we looked at common marketing phenomena to understand how to best engage employees in recognition programme training and communications for rapid adoption.

For example, Justin Bieber started his career with classic “push” marketing by posting his videos on YouTube. This led to fans requesting (pulling) Bieber sing their favorite songs. Both in combination led to Bieber very quickly becoming a viral phenomenon. Product placement strategies are a classic pull effect – think Ray-Ban sunglasses in the movie Top Gun, or Nike sneakers in Back to the Future – with stars “pulling” fans into using the products.

What does this have to do with employee recognition?

Look to these proven ways to create intrigue (pull) and share information (push) with employees about your recognition and rewards programme. For example, how can you ensure the CEO and all of the C-suite are overtly seen to be using the recognition programme? Or perhaps have your CMO or COO include statements about the recognition programme in key speeches or employee communications they give quarterly. The goal is to get your recognition and reward programme “product placed” in your company.

Why should you care about communications and training techniques?

The goal of any strategic recognition programme is to create mass mobilisation – to get employees excited, involved and focussed on achieving the goals your programme (whatever those goals may be). It’s this mix of both push and pull that makes mass mobilisation possible.

Do you wish you’d participated in the webinar?

I’ll be giving this webinar presentation again through our own systems at Globoforce in mid-October. If you missed it and are intrigues by the topic, stay tuned here for more information on how to register for the October webinar.