Recognise This! – Until you can answer the strategic questions about your employee recognition programme, the tactical questions don’t matter.

Ann Bares, author of the Compensation Force blog (and editor of Compensation Café), recently posted about year-end questions concerning incentive programmes. The points she raises are quite similar to the questions I often receive from clients in the early stages of thinking about their employee rewards and recognition programmes.

As Ann points out, people often ask the wrong questions, focussing on the details of the current programme with questions like (quoting from Ann’s blog):

Instead, you need to start with the bigger picture (again, quoting):

The same is true when considering your recognition and reward practices. I and members of my team are often asked by clients to take a look at their current (often overly  complex) reward programme structures and tell them what to tweak.

Often, I find myself advising them to go back to the drawing board entirely and ask the very fundamental “why” questions:

If you can’t answer the fundamental strategic questions, the answers to your tactical questions don’t really matter.

What questions are you asking about your employee recognition and rewards programme?