Employee motivation is hugely influenced by your internal office environment. Create an engaging and rewarding environment and you will see the improvements in employee motivation. As the economic upturn arrives you will have to work that bit harder to retain your talent and employee motivation is more vital than ever.


Top 10 Issues…

1. Recognition. Staff want to know that their hard work is being appreciated. Recognising their efforts will go a long way in motivating them to keep up their good work.

2. Interest in job. Put employees in roles you know will interest them where possible – it will be well worth your while.

3. Progression and promotion. Communicate the possible progression paths available – effectively showing them where their hard work could take them.

4. Job security. Make them feel secure. This will in turn make them feel happier at work and happier to work hard for the company.

5. Targets. Make them achievable and communicate them clearly; always ensure they know how they can reach these.

6. Rewards. Give them something to work towards that they really want. Make the rewards relevant, and give them choice.

7. Team dynamics. Monitor the team dynamics to observe how effectively they are working together, and whether the team is a good fit for any particular employee.

8. Responsibility. Give them responsibility and they will rarely let you down. This will motivate them to impress you as they feel empowered.

9. Employee benefits. Competitive benefits will make them think highly of you as an employer and increase retention, as well as being great PR for your company.

10. Pay. Review salaries regularly, and give pay rises where appropriate. This shows employees you value them and are willing to invest in them.
