Recognise This! – Company culture extends far beyond your company walls and impacts employee relationships at home. Find out how plus more on motivating employees on #TLNTradio Tuesday, 26th July.
In my bio, I talk about how I have the best job in the world because I help companies win with a culture of recognition. Part of what makes my job so great is the large percentage of my time I spend in face-to-face conversations and workshops with people to help them figure out the best way to foster and manage a culture of recognition in their own workplaces.
The downside is there is the natural limits on how many people I can share this insight with in such a capacity. That’s one of the major reasons I write this blog. It gives me the capacity to engage with far more people.
Lately, I’ve been invited to discuss the power of strategic employee recognition on BlogTalk Radio shows as well. Last week on HR Technology Happy Hour (archive available here), I particularly appreciated the opportunity to emphasise that strategic recognition is not about the “programme.” It’s about your culture and finding fun, easy (yet showing solid business results) way to celebrate employees who live your values in their work every day as they help achieve your strategies.
Tomorrow I’ve been invited to share on TLNT Radio. Join us Tuesday, 26th July 2011, at 2:00 pm Eastern (11:00 am Pacific / 6:00 pm GMT) as we talk about how to motivate employees and the powerful role of company culture.
You can listen to it live from the web or you can dial in to (818) 572-8036 to listen to the show or to ask a question. You can also follow the show hashtag on Twitter by searching for #TLNTradio. After the show airs, the archive will be available shortly after the end of the show.
I recently wrote about how motivating employees is all about understanding three key issues:
1. Do employees know how to do their job well?
2. Do they know when they do it well?
3. Do they know why they should be doing it?
If a manager can’t confidently answer those questions in the affirmative, it is time to really think about how to fix it so managers can effectively motivate their employees. We’ll also be talking about how company culture doesn’t only impact people at work but also how it can influence their personal life as well.
I hope you’ll join us at 2pm ET/11am PT/6pm GMT on Tuesday for this great discussion.