1. Know Your Role and do your job – First and foremost do your own job. This may be more strategic but your staff will respect you for being willing to pitch in when necessary.
2. Acknowledge The Positives in your staff and what they do – Genuine and meaningful praise goes a long way. Give feedback regularly and let them know that you see the good work they do.
3. Look for Each Member's Strengths and use them – Using your employee's natural strengths to their full potential gives them a great sense of value and accomplishment, and gives the team the benefit of those skills.
4. Turn Mistakes into an Opportunity to learn – Work with the team to correct an error but then help them to understand how the mistake occurred and how they can avoid repeating it.
5. Focus on Long-term Success – Don't expect employees to learn new skills, modify their behaviour, or improve their performance overnight. Work on small changes here and there to achieve long-term results.
6. Delegate, and Then let them get on – Allowing employees to do their jobs gives them confidence and a higher degree of accountability. It also helps them to develop their skills and decision-making abilities.
7. Communicate appropriately – Let your staff know what’s going on as appropriate. Communicate appropriately and consistently and be aware of how communication can impact on individuals.
8. Be Self-Aware – Be aware of how your own communication and mood can affect others.
9. Have Fun at work – It makes life better for everyone, develops good relationships and builds a team.
10. Trust Yourself – There is no one right way to be a manager. Trust yourself and learn through your mistakes.