I enjoyed dinner last night with several leaders of HR in various businesses. A common concern to all them seems to be the whirlwind of change currently blowing through these organisations. The forces of change I described in my post/report yesterday are real and seem only to be getting faster. The resulting question on everyone’s mind was: How do we keep everyone with us during all this change?
I started today hearing more of the same – from both the President and the Chief People Officer for McDonalds UK & Northern Europe. They painted a candid and thorough picture of the challenges McDonalds has faced over the years and how they have evolved their people management model to react.
Particularly striking to me was how Chief People Officer David Fairhurst shared the many changes occurring in the workplace and society in general, making the case that "we need a glue that will hold everything together with all these changes happening." That glue he identified as company values. "Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave ’em all over everything you do" – a quotation from that other HR luminary – Elvis Presley!
I couldn’t agree more – values can be the glue holding employee needs and company success requirements together. As employees face so much change – at a pace that is historically the most rapid we’ve ever taken a workforce through – we need our employees to be resilient and have a clear line of sight for how we want to succeed together. Values can give this line of sight, and of course a values driven, strategic recognition programme, is a proven robust approach to make these values come alive and be lived everyday in the corporation.
Values too was on CEO & President Jill McDonald’s agenda when she highlighted as one of her top three priorities the need to break down silos and embed corporate values to create what she called a "connected organisation". Her other two priorities included employee engagement for trust, and developing future talent.
Let me ask you, how do you plan on keeping everyone during all this change?