Can you tell us about you and your role at Your Impact?
I started Your Impact in 2006, following 20+ years working for IT Training and ELearning organisations. I am the Managing Director and focus on meeting the needs of our customers, and potential customers. We primarily work with Technology companies, IT Groups, and IT teams; providing them with support, facilitation and guidance to achieve return on investment with teams working smarter and being performance ready. In addition to this, I ensure we have the right mix of talent to meet our customers’ needs on a global basis, for example, we have recruited over 12 multi-lingual trainers and executive coaches around the world for our global customers. 
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How can you monitor your ORM?
Use a search engine – check out what comes up for you – do this monthly.
As a business owner if you don’t have the resources to create a dedicated social media team, what other steps can you take to ensure that you remain able to monitor and shape a consistent and professional online presence? 
Use tools such as Hootsuite to publish one item to many platforms or just focus on one social media site and do it well. Check and double check and then check again before you post anything! 
Download the free ORM Ebook for more help and suggestions. 
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