The latest catchword for the HR managers is "engagement," and they are rolling up theirsleeves to find out new ways to recognize employee hard work, build fellowship and at times plan a get-together to have fun.
A recent surveyinvolvingworkforce from industries likeenergy, manufacturing and professional services found more employees are opting to change jobs. With “Turnover” becoming a primary concern for companies so interviewing the HR Managers to know their tactics for employee engagement was a necessity.The most prevalentschemewas career growth and opportunity advancement and the next was company culture amity.
Exenta HRMSprovides you a solution for employee retention – the Training Module and Performance Management. As the most popular scheme for employee engagement is career development, so currently companies are laying emphasis on enhancing employees’ skills through the training processes and performance management. ExentaTraining Administration Module aids to managing and streamlining the entire training process and Exenta Performance Management helps in monitoring their efforts and squaring it in an appropriate way.
The Performance Management System (PMS) Module helps to record the key accomplishments of the employee in accordance with their developmental strategies. These performance records facilitate to monitor and analyse the performanceand is accessible by both managers and employees’. On the basis of the analysis the managers could decide about the ways to enhance the overall capabilities of an organization and employees’. The Training Administration Module is a platform provided to both the manager and employees to gain insights into key development needs through employee profile reports and scorecards, skill gap analysis could be conducted for individual employees empowering optimal utilization of human capital, greater employee engagement and effective succession planning.
Another popular method wasorganizing get-togethers, bowling alley meet-ups or a holiday party. These not only give employees’ ways to have fun and socialize but about also a chance to managers to relax and mingle up with the employees’. As it is said “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” so a career development along with some fun is a good strategy for “employee engagement”.