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Jamie Lawrence


Insights Director

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Book review: Understanding TUPE: a legal guide


Title: Understanding TUPE – A Legal Guide
Author: Stephen Hardy
Publisher: Chandos Publishing 2001
ISBN: 190237567X

Buy this book from the TrainingZONE – Blackwells bookshop.

I think this must be an essential reference book for anyone dealing with what can be a very complex issue. It provides an overview of the law relating to the transfer of undertakings. It includes information on the human resource and contracting-out implications of business transfers and recent developments in case law.

The book also outlines processes for dealing with business transfers and discusses future developments, highlighting the Acquired Rights Directive 1977 as amended in 1998 and the revised TUPE Regulations 2001.

Of particular interest to all HR colleagues will be the chapter dealing specifically with HR issues on business transfers which is very detailed. I would certainly suggest that this could be used as a checklist to ensure that nothing is overlooked.

The book also contains some useful appendices, in particular a very comprehensive list of web-sites from which further information can be obtained.

In conclusion I would thoroughly recommend this book for the reference library of any HR professional who needs guidance on the TUPE regulations. It is well written and most importantly easy to understand.

This book is written as part of a series, which I have not come across before called Chandos Business Guides. The aim of these books is “to provide managers with practical, down-to-earth information” – a sentiment which I am sure we all applaud.

Margaret Geraghty
HR & Admin Manager
University of Kent at Canterbury Students’ Union

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Jamie Lawrence

Insights Director

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