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Capability Policies


I’m considering introducing a capabilities policy and would be grateful for any examples of a policy and or tips on setting such a policy up. We are a single site SME with 180 employees.
Stephen Cook

2 Responses

  1. ?
    What are you looking for? Something on Performance Improvement or use of Criteria/competencies or DDA implementation and capability? Jenny

  2. Make it supportive not punitive, consult before introducing it a
    We are a small (approx 50)multi-site organisation and introduced a capability policy fairly recently. Happily we have limited experience in using it, but on the 1 or 2 occasions the procedures have been invoked, they have has the effect of improving performance. We make it clear that our preferred outcome is an improvement in performance, not a parting of the ways, and we consulted widely among managers and staff before bringing it in. I will happily give you more details if you contact me direct on

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