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Lucie Mitchell

Sift Media

Freelance journalist and former editor of HRZone


Caption competition: And the winner is…


Think of a true British summer and you probably think of rain and cancelled barbecues. But nobody could fail to be cheered up by Cliff Richard’s dulcet tones in the 1963 hit film, Summer Holiday. This month’s caption competition was designed to lift those spirits and reminisce about the good old days and hot summers gone by.

The standard of entries was high this month, but we eventually decided on a winner, and that was Chris Hopkins. Well done, Chris – a bottle of wine is on its way to you now! His winning entry was:

Cliff’s face remained eerily calm as the bus hurtled towards the ravine. Thank goodness for Botox.

Sorry if you didn’t win this time – there is always next month!

Picture credit: David/Rupert Hartley/Rex Features

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10 Responses

  1. Stay- cation taken to new extreme
    Cliff shows new way to cling on to holiday by taking a stay-cation

  2. OK, so they said it was a Busman’s holiday for Meditation …
    But somehow I had different plans …Oh well … ommm …

  3. Recession hits entertainment industry: Sir Cliff retrains as a f
    As the effects of Britain’s recession become more evident, even the entertainment industry has taken a sharp downturn.
    As he tries to master the mandatory pole-sliding, Sir Cliff comments on his intended career change to the Fire Service.
    One wonders, however, if he will pass the Optometry test, as the big red object in the photo appears to be a number 57
    from Hackney, rather than a fire engine!

  4. Cliff’s face remained eerily calm as the bus hurtled towards the
    Thank goodness for Botox.

  5. Now that tennis was getting a bit beyond him, Cliff was experime
    Now that tennis was getting a bit beyond him, Cliff was experimenting with new ways to keep fit.

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Lucie Mitchell

Freelance journalist and former editor of HRZone

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