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Changes in the Law what would you like to see.


Following on from my posting about Mark Ellis’s Blog on Ellis Whitham Website.
I thought it would be interesting to see what changes to employment law members here would like to see.

My starters for 10 are:

• Changes in TUPE regulations to set rules over what information must be handed over to prospective contractors etc and then rules to ensure that information is handed over once the TUPE has happened.

• Heavier fines for those that blatantly ignore TUPE.

• The doing away with 1 year’s service for Employment Tribunal Claims.

• Laws for the Employment Tribunal Service to be fined when they screw up.

• The extension of the time period before unions can apply for consultation rights when there is already an effective process in place.

• Revamp of the Employment Tribunals and the pre-hearings.

• Fines for those, including unions and HR Managers who purposefully obstruct disciplinaries, grievances, appeal and tribunal hearings.

• Clear laws to dealing with those that go off sick as soon as a disciplinary or redundancy action is mentioned.

• Clear laws and system for identifying and officially classifying those covered by the DDA.

• Competency measures to ensure those hearing tribunal are fit to do so.

Iain Young

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3 Responses

  1. TUPE Holiday years
    I was wondering if somebody can help me.
    I am working for a contract cleaning company and we have staff tuped over who are on a different holiday year than ourselves. which is the easiest way to change them to our holiday year when they agree and we have given notice without us or themselves losing out.



  2. Illegal Workers
    Adding on to Duncan’s comments about illegal workers.

    A law requiring the Home Office to set up a system like the Americans where employers can verify the work status and national Insurance details of an employee and also a system that allows employers to report suspected illegal workers without facing a fine for doing so.

  3. Wish list
    I’d also add

    – Making it law that the Greivance procedure has to be exhusted before an application to a Tribunal can be made (within 3 months of the completion of that grievance)

    – Outlawing some of the Civil Service code, particularly those rules on “fair and open competition” which appear to be being abused and hidden behind by some as a way of attacking fixed term workers.

    – Making it law that all workers of any status in any organisation have the right to apply for any internal job.

    – Increasing the fine for employing ilegal workers, where no paperwork has been gathered to 20,000. Maybe then it will be done more evenly rather than just some large employers

    – clearer law on dispute resolution

    – taking out the requirement for the three step process when someone asks to retire, or the ending of a fixed term contract when covering Maternity leave and the person returns.

    – Banning policical correctness and being prevented from using every day words like ‘white board’

    -A law which states ‘if you do something stupid, do not pay attention, do something you know is dangerous or are careless, it is your fault and you cannot make insurance claims against companies

    – Ban no win no fee lawyers who cause more problems than their worth

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