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Shonette Laffy


Deputy Editor

Read more about Shonette Laffy

Coffee Break: ‘Lean labour’, living wage and banning Brexit chat at work


Happy Friday everyone – kick off your shoes and get comfy, because it's time for us to proffer this week's selection of HR news, opinion and cultural hors d'oeuvres. 

Feel free to tell us what you think in the comments below, or send us your own recommended reading for the week.


– 35% of HR leaders expect a reduction in their headcount… but what’s picking up the slack? (David Perring, LinkedIn)

– National Living Wage has not led to job losses (BBC News)

– On-site childcare is a blessing for workers, so why don't more companies offer it? (The Guardian)

– Cisco HR Breakathon: Reimagining The Employee Experience (Forbes)


– After the Brexit vote, job seeking took a jump (Eremedia)

– Young women far less likely than young men to get feedback after a job interview (City & Guilds Group)

Why doesn't corporate talent acquisition change the way they pay recruiters? (Tim Sackett)


– 6 of my personal management approaches employees thought were "weird" (Rob Catalano, LinkedIn)

– The imposter within (HR Gem blog)

Why resigning is the preserve of the lucky few (The Guardian)

– Move your organisation to pole position using ‘Lean Labour’ (Neil Pickering, LinkedIn)


– The traditional vs. modern workplace (Adecco)

– The media and millennials – The race for supremacy is on (Forbes)

– Banning Brexit discussions at work may be valid (CIPD)

Author Profile Picture
Shonette Laffy

Deputy Editor

Read more from Shonette Laffy