
Diary of a Sales Manager


Day 1
Rather sceptical to say the least…..or am I just scared? What does he know about my problems, a yank? Why am I here anyway? Is this going to be some voodoo/occult weekend? A night out with my mates and a bottle of vodka is what I normally use as release….go on try something different, 12,000 people cannot all be wrong! Got really bored of the Irish ‘depressed’ girl – if she was that depressed would she of put her hand up, really? Was she a plant? Fire walk was top – really pumped up! brill ‘drumming’ music. Sent 50+ text messages to mates and family extolling the virtues of fire walking – wow – what can I say – Amazing! I want all my mates and colleagues to have the opportunity to do it now!

Day 2
Wow – feeling a bit different this morning! Do my feet hurt – yes – but because of being on them more than normal yesterday, not sore from the walk! Some amazing stuff today with the mirroring (emotion creation etc…), on stage ‘exorcism’ of the abused woman… (Hmmm, not sure I was entirely comfortable with what I saw!). The Titanic music (Celine Dion) was a bit much! Had me in hysterics when I should have been doing some soul searching! The ‘peers’ stuff made me think about my peer group – I keep comparing myself to my peers – aren’t they earning a lot, achieving lots, etc…when really I should be trying to learn from them!

Day 3
Learnt lots that I guess is common sense really about communication strategies and emotional recipes! The Belief System stuff was great – never really analysed myself like that before. Really emotional. 12,000 people groaning and wailing and blubbing when we were delving into our limiting beliefs was rather surreal, but I just went for it – might as well…and the energy and positivism I felt when we were creating our empowering beliefs was fantastic! I loved the dancing – me and mate were leading 20+ strangers in our own aerobics class. 12,000+ people having a water fight was amazing!

Day 4
Shame – I lost a bit of steam – shame really as it's heavily related to one of my goals. Very disappointed that it was not Tony – cannot even remember the guys name – but he certainly did not have what Tony had…..well for me anyway. Although really interesting info was provided – just need to put it into action!

Back at the office…
It is funny how all my work colleagues who were slagging it off keep asking questions and were dying to know all about it! Have I learnt a lot? hell yeah ! I just need Tony with me every day to keep me motivated! (rather like GOD ??? hmmm ?!?!?!) Some people state it is life changing experience….i am not sure it has been quite that for me, but hey I am smiling when I leave my bed in the morning!! that’s a start!


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