
Diary of an Advertising Manager


How did attending the event affect your life?
It reaffirmed some new positive beliefs and was a crucial next step on my journey of self discovery and self improvement. I gained a couple of major insights into negative behaviour patterns I had been exhibiting for some time without realising it.

What changes did you make to your life immediately after the event?
I did the 10-day health challenge – but haven't stuck to it
religiously, though I still try and eat mainly fruit in the mornings and have cut back further on drinkng and caffeine.

Has the event changed your outlook on life?
Yes, a little, although the other events I have done through a similar company have had a bigger impact.

What would you say to someone who is thinking of attending one of Anthony Robbins events?
GO. It is an incredible experience. You will learn things about yourself that surprise you. You will dance, sing and laugh in a room filled with love and you'll get to walk over hot coals!
If you have some real challenges in your life and are desperate to make change pay the extra money, get a seat up front and you may even get an intervention form the big man himself.

At the event you were told to write down some goals in your work books – Have you achieved those goals?
Yes I have bought a flat!

Do you feel you are a better person having attended the event?

Would you recommend the event to others?

Are you planning on attending an Anthony Robbins event again?
Yes I probably would.

Please score the event a mark out of ten

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