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Annie Hayes




Dress down days increase productivity


Could the death knell have been sounded for the collar and tie? As nine out of ten employers relax the dress code in the hot weather, Peninsula has found that eight out of ten have reported increased productivity on dress-down days.

A survey of 562 employers from various industries found that 88 per cent had allowed their employees to abandon ties and formal dress during the heatwave.

When asked whether dress down days had increased productivity, 79 per cent said ‘yes’ and 73 per cent reported they had a company policy of regular dress down days.

Peter Done, managing director of Peninsula, said: “These results depict a growing trend in businesses throughout the UK.

“The popularity of ‘dress down days’ and relaxed attitudes towards dress code have soared in recent years. The traditional standards of attire for work are ever diminishing and this has become apparent during the recent heat wave that has swept through the UK’s workplaces.

“Traditional conventions within which business is conducted are being challenged, and are constantly changing to meet the demands of the growing global environment.”

He explained that the importance of how workers are dressed varies greatly between various industries. For example it is obviously more important for employees that interact with the public and are therefore representing the face of the company to dress formally.

However, for the majority of office workers, particularly male workers in relation to the tie, dress code is becoming more and more relaxed.

In fact by satisfying the needs of their staff and making them feel more comfortable in the work place, the survey shows that employers are able to increase productivity through creating such an environment within which to work.

Mr Done added: “The priority for the employer is the performance and suitability of their employees, and as such matters of appearance are secondary.

“Dress code is ultimately up to the individual perception and personal preference of the employer. However trends are showing that ‘dress down days’ are becoming ever more popular amongst UK employers, and the ‘dress down’ philosophy is quickly becoming the accepted norm.”

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Annie Hayes


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