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Equal Opportunities and age


I understand that age is likely to form part of Equal Opportunities legislation soon to arrive in the UK.
How will this affect training and development. Much government funding is age orientated, incentivising organisations to provide National Traineeships for young people by funding it, for example. Will we find ourselves open to discrimination claims if we only offer this training to young people or even if we have quotas of young people to help fund the older trainees do NVQs.
Graduate recruitment/development programmes will presumably be a thing of the past if age cannot be a factor in considering recruitment and selection for training. Will the length of time expected to get a return on the investment not be a factor?

Alternatively, is the legislation expected to be less about making age an irrelevant factor in selection and development but rather to promote “positive action” initiatives? Recruitment drives for older people etc?

Anybody have a clue/view?

Steve Dodd

2 Responses

  1. CAADE

    You'll find some useful information about this on the Campaign Against Age Discrimination in Employment's web site.

  2. Equal opportunities/age
    I have some views and information which you may find useful – but difficult to articulate at any length here. Give me call on 07901 854217 and I will be happy to share my views.

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