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Anonymous HR


Here’s how to make other HR pros hate you on Twitter


No names, no job titles, no companies. HR After Dark features totally anonymised opinion pieces from HR professionals, consultants and industry commentators. No holds barred, no censorship, nothing but raw opinions on issues that matter to HR. When the lights go down, HR After Dark comes out to play. See it all here first. Want to write for HR After Dark? Get in touch at

You know what really grinds my gears? HR professionals who do these things on Twitter…

  • Describing yourself as a Keynote Speaker. A Keynote Speaker is the conference world's equivalent to a Best Man or Bridesmaid. You're invited to be one. It's not a position you hold.
  • Claiming to be a Bestselling Author. Your self-funded and self- published only-available-on Kindle e-book which is currently at 863,127 in the Amazon charts does not warrant the title of Bestselling. You're not Dan Brown or Nick Hornby. Stop kidding yourself.  
  • Retweeting messages which compliment you on your recent conference presentation. If the person complimenting you wants to tell the rest of the world, then let them, but don’t do it yourself.
  • Constructing an alternative Most Influential list and including yourself on it.
  • Writing daily blog posts in which every bloody paragraph begins with the personal pronoun: "I". Blogs are for others to read. Keep the "I" for the diary that you should keep locked away in your bedside cabinet.
  • Visiting another person’s blog and leaving behind a comment that merely says something along the lines of “Great blog. Here’s a link to a blog article I wrote three years ago that says pretty much the same thing”

And one final thing!

  • Hiding under the cover of anonymity on HRZone to have a mischievous dig at the annoying habits of those in your social media network. Oh, just a minute ….

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One Response

  1. Guilty on at least two counts
    Guilty on at least two counts – I am described as a speaker and author – I’m going to hell 🙂 I may retweet this

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