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HR managers move to fill the strategy void


Business men at a computerA recent survey of 1180 HR professionals, by the CIPD, shows that the HR function is changing. Over 72% of HR professionls questioned believe that their influence with senior members of staff has increased. HR professionals are however still viewing their role as more operational than strategic.

The focus seems to be shifting towards becoming strategic business partners. The survey suggests that many HR professionals have responsibility for other business areas, including organisational design (29%), internal communications (36%), health and safety (44%) and corporate social responsibility (19%).

Mike Emmott, Head of Employee Relations at the CIPD and author of the survey, said: “HR is now being asked to get up to speed and add value on a wide range of business issues from corporate social responsibility to organisational design. Those who work in it need to be prepared to get involved in activities that have not historically been seen as part of the HR role. It’s an exciting time to be in the profession.”

Although two thirds of respondents believe that business strategy is one of the three most important activities in which they engage, it currently accounts for a relatively small proportion of their time.

Also delivery of line practices is seen as a HR weakness in many organisations and yet the single most activity which HR practitioners spend most of their time is providing support for line management.

Mr Emmott said: “The HR community has internalised the message that it needs to spend less time on administration and operational issues and more on business strategy and adding value.”

So what is the future for HR professionals? HR Zone would like to hear your view.

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One Response

  1. HR roles
    Sorry to say that it is HR prof own fault – many do not challenge change or the board – as a CE0 of a major UK Plc that interacts with many a HR professional I have only in all my years met a few Hr prof who can do this. Until Hr Prof can satisfy CEO ‘s as to ROI’s thru Hr strategies and contribute to measurable productivity enhancements thru Human Capital they will not be viewed as a strategic resource

    Sad to say that all companies the world over are highly dependant upon people and as HR profs the Part the play in this is potentially Huge yet often whilst it is in their power to make such as measurable difference they sadly do not present credible hard & measurable facts to the CEO /board /Shareholders to be viewed as a resource to be counted upon as making the single biggest difference to change in their organisation

    This explains also why few HR prof sit on Plc boards as their contribution is not valued based upon past results – it is up to the HR prof to rise to the challenge and provide these very value added services to UK Human Capital Productivity that is desperately needed in UK

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