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HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 135 – application form Vs CV


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 135
31 January 2005
Editor’s note
Euphrosene Labon sparked an explosive debate on the relevant
merits of the application form over the CV this week. Numerous
postings later it is clear that this is an area in which you all
hold strong views.

Nik Kellingley hates application forms and sees them as nothing
more than ‘the lazy HR department’s dream’ while Karen Baldwin
applauds them for providing a platform in which ‘apples can be
compared with apples’. So what do you think? We’d like to hear
your views and thoughts on this and indeed whether
discrimination laws will finally signal the death of the
Curriculum Vitae.


Annie Hayes MCIPD

There are no grey areas when dealing with flexible working …
Is your employee entitled to a more flexible working
arrangement? The Flexible Working Employee complimentary
factsheet is just one of over 95 available from Croner-i Human
Resources, a complete interactive online information service
which contains up-to-the minute information, legislation and
best practice. Know the facts. More…

Key business solutions:
Catch up on the latest answers supplied by members at Any
Answers and have your say by posting your thoughts to:

Do I have to advertise a job vacancy externally?
Nik Kellingley
Submits an outline of the law governing recruitment.

Office relocation
John Stacey
Offers his advice, based on experience of what is typically

Fostering a culture based on teamwork
Peter Hunter
Presents an insight into what to expect when employees are
permitted to behave differently.

Maximizing your training investment
Organisations invest millions of pounds providing training in
the hope of developing people to their full potential. Sadly,
the best training in the world won’t make a difference if there
isn’t a process in place to create sustainable results. This
paper discusses the critical success factors involved in
creating an effective training plan.

Legal advice on HR Zone
What’s the answer? Can they do that?
Robert Newton gets legal guidance this week from Browne Jacobson
and Clarkslegal LLP on the rules governing TUPE transfers.

News in Brief
The week in HR – HR puts Thursday brakes on
Why Thursday is a right off for HR workers, bosses’ doubts over
the benefits of hiring incapacity claimants and why an improved
lot has put the smile back into work.

Can you help solve these business issues?
Catch-up with the latest questions being asked by the community
and add your answers at:

Amanda Hodey is not impressed with the CIPD’s 2005 recruitment
costs report – can you point her in the direction of more
detailed benchmark data?

Would a physiotherapy service for employees be classed as a
taxable benefit?

Matt Young is looking for your tips on how to craft the ultimate
exit interview.

Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

All England Netball Association Ltd; Network Rail; Deloitte and
Touche LLP; Beachcroft Wansboroughs; Leeds Building Society;
Derbyshire Constabulary; Bernard Hodes Group; Environment
Agency; Employers Association; Jones Lang LaSalle: Royal &
SunAlliance; Towers Perrin; Caversham Buchanan; Public Defender
Service; Northants Police; Berkshire College of Agriculture.

Subscription information
HR Zone publishes a range of regular newswires, including:
* HR Zone Members Newswire: latest Q&A plus business solutions
* HR Briefing: your weekly news and features round-up

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