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Annie Hayes




HRZone members shake off ‘outsourcing’ threat


Far from fearing the threat of outsourcing, over half (57%) of respondents in our month long poll believe that it presents the HR function with the opportunity to focus on other areas of work.

Just 19% felt that it was a threat. While a nervous 16% said it could become a danger if the trend increases.

HRZone recently reported that the global market for HR business process outsourcing (BPO) is set to grow at 21% a year, reaching $7 billion in four years.

BPO analysts NelsonHall said that bosses who take the outsourcing route expect to see a marked improvement in the quality of their HR services as well as a cost reduction of between 20-40%.

Our findings support this view.

Annie Hayes, HRZone Editor commented: “Our findings show that HR professionals no longer consider ‘outsourcing’ to be a menace and a threat to jobs. HR professionals are finally starting to see that oursourcing routine tasks such as administration leaves them free to focus on the bigger picture. Finally HR can get on with the business of aligning strategy with business needs.”

Over a hundred members voted.

See the poll results here.

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Annie Hayes


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