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Cath Everett

Sift Media

Freelance journalist and former editor of HRZone

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Learndirect launches ‘Make It Count Week’ to boost workplace skills profile


 Learndirect launched ‘Make It Count Week’ today to help raise the profile of learning and skills issues among employers and individuals across the UK.

The workplace and basic skills provider’s aim is to urge employers to take action so that they help support and  encourage their employees to exploit the training opportunities available.

Sarah Jones, chief executive at learndirect said: "At learndirect ,we have witnessed first hand the huge opportunities that training can open up for individuals and employers. Make It Count Week is all about encouraging people to learn new skills and get the qualifications they need to improve their job prospects. We hope it inspires more people to take the first steps towards making learning count for them."

The organisation is keen to try and encourage 10,000 individuals to sign up to take some kind of course over the next seven days, with the target figure jumping to 200,000 over the next 12 months.

Thirteen partners, including the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills, the National Apprenticeship Service, job board Totaljobs and Centrepoint, are also helping it to spread the word.

John Hayes, Minister for further education, skills and lifelong learning said: "The social and economic importance of practical learning cannot be overestimated. learndirect’s campaign will play a valuable role in inspiring people from all walks of life to learn new skills, as well as offering vital guidance to help translate aspiration into action. Building lives by building life chances."

To take part in Make it Count Week, visit or visit your nearest learndirect centre.

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Cath Everett

Freelance journalist and former editor of HRZone

Read more from Cath Everett