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Charlie Duff

Sift Media



Making the leap into the Cloud: one HRD’s story


Stepping into the world of ‘cloud computing’ sounds strange and scary to many but actually it’s not that big a leap. All ‘cloud’ means, essentially, is ‘web-based’. So if you’ve used Facebook, Hotmail, GMail or perhaps an online jobs board, you are already operating in ‘the Cloud’ – maybe without even knowing it. So where does moving HR software into the Cloud become different? One HR director, Ciara Hassan of Landmark Group, a hotel business, explained how she made the change.

Working across multiple sites, she needed to deploy something which worked for the group. She said: "My search for business transformation software was more centred around simplicity, ease of use and deployment across three sites and good value for money."

Ciara implemented SuccessFactors software to manage performance and goal management. She claimed the implementation was simple, saying: "SuccessFactors themselves guided us through the process which was extremely easy to adopt, due to it’s easy navigation and easy access. It is on an online platform so anyone can log-in anywhere, and anytime. These elements specifically were important as we have a culturally diverse work force, some of whom have limited computer skills, and a high population work in the operation, so this solution was perfect for them to learn to use quickly."

What was more difficult was the management of the change process, she explained. This was understandable as the hotel chain had been entirely paper-based with HR processes previously. Ciara said: "It forced us to think about how we would implement, in what stages, over what time frame, and what communication would work best without causing too much unrest and unease across the organisation."

The operation was strongly aligned to improvements in the HR offering to employees. Ciara enthused: "We wanted to take the focus away from the software we were implementing, and put more of a focus on the appraisal process becoming more meaningful, and more regular so performance became a more regularly discussed topic…not just once a year as was the case. This would go some way in focusing the organisation on becoming one with a high performing culture."

Instead the issues she faced were less about software or technology and more about communication and management. Ciara said she focused on: "Developing a performance culture where managers took ownership for the quality of information that would go into the system, and ensuring good quality conversations were being had both in and out of the appraisal stage, which would ensure performance expectations across the company were being understood. We also wanted to encourage senior executives to start sharing talent across the three businesses, rather then recruit externally."

Communication was challenged in every way, added Ciara,  as this was the biggest business transformation project that had taken place in the business for several years. The plan was that it would assist in retaining talent, reducing unnecessary turnover and increasing efficiency, productivity and profits long-term for the business.

Ciara has already noticed huge differences in the HR department. The SuccessFactors software is such that the HR department could develop the competency framework they wanted, then have the performance software designed around it.

The results were significant. Ciara explained: "We have aligned organisational goals across the business, so everyone at every level understands their contribution to the overall business, which has increased motivation and engagement, we have increased awareness of organisational performance across the business and the impact this can have."

The move also had an impact on communication, performance and inspired another project: "We have developed substantial training for managers to assist in giving and receiving feedback, managing difficult conversations, managing performance and coaching, and setting goals and objectives. From this project, we have also embarked on an engagement project with the view of linking engagement to performance, and employer branding," said Ciara.

Employees have adapted quickly to the system, and talent sharing across the business has also been achieved. The ‘HR’ system has had a real impact on the busines too. Originally, Ciara said: "We experienced some issues with senior management viewing the software as automising HR processes, rather than transforming the business."

However, she helped them overcome this: "Our employees were welcoming of the on-line software, although somewhat afraid of learning how to use it. Management were more reluctant in completing an on-line form that required more details than before as they initially thought this would add to their workload.  After some coaching and training sessions, they soon learned that the purpose was to ensure the appraisal process was more meaningful and better managed to ensure the information put into the system reflected the scores given and would be useful when we implement succession planning."

As a result, managers have realised the potential and value of the system: "Managers have line of sight into their department’s performance against the company standards, and of course, general managers and managing directors are able to see the performance of the hotels as a whole in one screen. We have access to data on performance and goals which makes management much more strategic and detailed," added Ciara.

So the benefits have been seen across the business but what about the employees? The good news is that they have fed back that their ‘experience’ is more detailed and useful, but there are other benefits too. Ciara explained: "Some employees have learned new computer skills which are life skills, not just work skills, and greatly benefit from this. Employees now have a better understanding what good and great behaviour and performance looks like, and we have had a small number of cross site promotions due to sharing of talent. We have managed poor performers more effectively than ever before and talent and performance are regularly discussed topics on the senior board."

Bringing talent and performance to the board might seem elementary to organisations with huge HR departments but it’s such an important step for smaller set-ups. If a HR system can bring human resources to the whole organisation and help management (who are, after all, the front line) and the board understand the values and work better with the HR department, then there’s better strategy and communication across the organisation almost instantly.

Security of the cloud based application might worry some, but Ciara was comfortable that the system was safe for sensitive information. SuccessFactors themselves claim that cloud software can be safer than physical servers (or indeed a drawer of information on paper forms), as no one can actually get to the information without the right permissions, negating the ‘inside job’. The software company also pays people to attempt to hack into their systems every day, ensuring security is the best it can be.

Ciara plans to add succession planning and development initiatives to the system and encourage ‘buddying’ to help bring performance levels up. She also wants to ensure consistency across the company when it comes to performance scoring, which will be aided by the standardised system used by all employees.

Although Ciara found the actual set-up easy, a big system change is always something which needs planning and time to implement. Her tips for anyone thinking of following in her footsteps are: "Look for the best provider for your company, plan well and give yourself enough contingency time to implement, but most importantly, manage the change process."

  • HRzone’s sister site, BusinessCloud9, hosts a cloud software conference each year to explore cloud computing. If you want to learn more about ‘Saas’ HR software it’s a great place to find out about it and meet people like Ciara who have achieved results like these in their organisations, both public and private sector. Click here for more information.

Ciara Hassan is HR Director for Landmark Group. For more information about SuccessFactors visit their website.

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