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Annie Hayes



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Member wire #117 – HR, Personnel or People Department?


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 117
20 September 2005

1. What’s in a name? HR, Personnel or People department?
2. What’s the answer? TUPE transfers
3. News in Brief: The week in HR – Brown commits to skills
4. The Couch?! Gets incentivised
5. Any Answers: train the trainer, childcare voucher schemes

Editor’s note
What’s in a name? A couple of million if you’re the Royal Mail
whose name change to Consignia famously crashed and burned. This
week members discuss the latest organisation to add some extra
bling to their HR function by re-labelling themselves as the
People department. Futile or fruitful? We’d like to hear your

Elsewhere, the Couch?! has been busy drooling over its
collection of freebies ranging from juggling balls to day-glo
sweat bands. If you’re off to Harrogate this October for the
annual CIPD conference then we’d like to know what’s bright,
shiny and best of all free:


Annie Hayes MCIPD

Pensions simplification – don’t you believe it!
A-Day, 6 April 2006, marks one of the most important dates ever
for UK pensions. On that day new regulations come into force
which, while intended to simplify the pensions regime, are
highly complex and could create a serious headache for companies
and executives if they fail to act decisively.

Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

Tokheim UK Limited; Blue Arrow; Absolute HR; RSPCA;
coach2Bhappy; City & Guilds; Hammonds; Motivation Matters
Limited; Outside The Box Coaching Ltd; Leap Forward Coaching;
Capita/Dixons; Cargill Plc; Exel; Sundial Group; Computershare;
Rolls Royce; Hudson; Laird Bros; HCL Technologies; True2me Ltd

Draft age discrimination Regulations
The draft age Regulations have finally been published. This set
of Regulations provide probably the biggest challenge in
relation to discrimination for 30 years. However, the
legislation does not go as far as it might. As Michael
Rubenstein explains, in EOR’s comprehensive guide to the
Regulations, it represents the minimum necessary to comply with
the EU Employment Framework Directive if, indeed, it does.

Any Answers Answered
Catch up on the latest answers supplied by members at ‘Any
Answers’ and reflect on the issues at hand:

People or Personnel?
The Observer’s Personnel department has been re-named The People
department – so what’s in a name and should HR care?

Stamping out prejudice
Members offer their advice on how to deal with a training
workshop participant with some prejudiced views.

Train the trainer
Mike Morrison gets some pointers on the relative merits of train
the trainer courses.

Know your Fleet’s Whole Life Costs? See the Facts…
It’s only when you take into account your drivers insurance,
fuel, VAT and Class 1A National Insurance, you get a clearer
indication of how much a new car is going to cost. Hitachi
Capital can help you base your choice on Whole Life Costs to
ensure you don’t pay more than you have to!
Download our free factsheet to find out more:

Share your views
Catch-up with the latest questions being asked by the community
and add your answers at:

Kate Roberts is looking for help on how to link pay to
performance within a non-sales environment.

Alex Grundy needs your help to interpret the Alabaster ruling in
relation to SMP payment adjustments.

Nina Waters is looking to add value to the childcare voucher
scheme – can you make any suggestions?

Read all the latest questions and add your own:

Practical Strategies for HR Shared Services 2005
** Excel in process efficiency ** Heighten productivity **
Strengthen core. The Shared Services and Outsourcing Network’s
6th annual Practical Strategies for HR Shared Services 2005 31st
October – 1st November 2005. Workshops: 2nd November 2005,
Princesa Sofia Hotel, Barcelona

Members’ corner
What’s the answer? TUPE transfers
This week Nicholas Snowden, Senior Solicitor at Clarkslegal LLP
and Helen Badger, employment law expert, Browne Jacobson present
their ideas on the rules surrounding TUPE transfers.

News in Brief: The week in HR – Brown commits to skills
Catch up on the week in HR with our at-a-glance news round up
including the Chancellor’s commitment to skills, the homesick UK
workers and why one in three major reorganisations fails.

The Couch?! Gets incentivised
We’re looking for fellow magpies to help us assess the quality
of this year’s CIPD conference give-aways.

Subscription Information
HR Zone publishes a range of regular newswires, including:
– HR Zone Members Newswire
– HR Briefing

Update your subscriptions by visiting the Profile page and
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HR Zone, 100 Victoria Street, Bristol, BS1 6HZ
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Annie Hayes


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