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Member wire #75 – The rise of dress ‘down’ Friday


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 75
23 November 2004

1. Editor’s Comment: The rise of dress ‘down’ Friday
2. Payroll tip: Rolled-up holiday pay
3. Homeworking blighted by ‘sweatshop’ conditions
4. Work afflicts the vocal chords
5. Any Answers: dismissal and sick leave, team pay, stress

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HSA Personal Medical Plans

CIPD Annual Psychology at Work Conference UK – 8 December 2004

Job Centre Plus – Recruit the right people

Editor’s note
Dress ‘down’ Friday much like the ‘marmite’ question is a total
love or hate issue. Editor’s Comment looks at the history of
the suit and ponders its future while fashion guru Anna Konig
offers her top tips for getting it right and warns: “Don’t
overdo it. Save the va-va-voom for the evening.”

Put your fashion police hat on and share your experiences of the
horrors or delights of dress ‘down’ day at:

Annie Hayes


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Member’s news

Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

Highbury House Communications Plc; Pataks Foods; Direct
Holidays; Kingston Early Years and Childcare Service; Audit
Commission; D & P Recruitment Specialists; The Body Shop
International; Northgate HR; Focus DIY; Radisson Edwardian
Hotels; Bevans solicitors; Yorkshire Forward; Hilton Manchester
Airport; Neal Frain Chartered Accountants; Denny Interim &
Search; Empire World Trade Ltd; Vets4Pets Veterinary Group Ltd;
Friends Provident; Chartered Management Institute; Inland
Revenue; Ovid Technologies; Alton Towers; Royal Bank of
Scotland; Martin Searle Solicitors; Linklaters; Atkins Asset
Management; FPDSavills Limited; Premier Foods; Pi Group Ltd

CIPD Annual Psychology at Work Conference
8 December 2004, London.
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Editor’s Comment: Fashion bites the rise of dress ‘down’ Friday
Editor’s Comment examines the trends and wonders how ‘dress’
impacts on productivity and innovation in the workplace.

Payroll tip: Rolled-up holiday pay
HRD & Payroll Solutions continues to bring HR Zone members a
range of HR and payroll tips. This week’s tip looks at rolled-up
holiday pay.

HR Directors back vocational education
Ninety-six per cent of HR Directors see a clear link between
vocational training and increased profitability.

Homeworking blighted by ‘sweatshop’ conditions
Cosy images of convenience, efficiency and relaxed environments
are far from the homeworking reality according to latest

Work afflicts the vocal chords
Bugs, germs, central-heating and jobs that rely on communication
are all placing a strain on workers’ vocal chords; claim the
Trades Union Congress (TUC).

Engaging staff tops business agenda
Bosses are committed to engaging with their staff and having
successful relationships with employees; according to latest

CBI blasts Pensions Bill
Employers’ group the CBI have dismissed the new Pensions Bill
which received Parliamentary endorsement on Thursday, as a
‘missed opportunity’ to restore employer confidence in pensions.

Workers ‘cringe’ at motivational statements
Motivational statements are failing to entice workers into
working better and harder according to latest research from
recruitment consultancy, Office Angels.

Investors in People gets face-lift
The Investors in People Standard which provides a framework for
improving business performance and competitiveness through good
practice in human resource development has been revamped.

Employers ‘sleepwalk’ towards I&C legislation
Sixty-seven per cent of managers admit to ‘knowing little’ about
the Information and Consultation (I&C) directive due to be
introduced next year.

Royal Household faces sexual harassment claim
Elaine Day, a 45 year old former Clarence House secretary has
taken a claim of sexual harassment and unfair dismissal to an
Employment Tribunal.

Job Centre Plus – Recruit the right people
At Jobcentre Plus, we want to help you find the right person for
your job. We’ll work to get to know you so we can achieve the
best results – we already place over 20,000 people into work
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Any Answers answered: Dismissal and sick leave
Q – If an employee has been suspended and is facing a
disciplinary hearing, but the stress of this has forced them to
put in a sick note, is it legal for them to be dismissed, or
indeed to be forced to take part in the disciplinary process?

Richard Phillips

A – It is possible but it is wise to get a medical opinion on
the fitness of the individual to take part in the disciplinary.
I know of cases where the GP rules that the individual cannot be
involved with work for two months for example but an
occupational health practitioner says the person is fit to

Reasonable time for stress recovery varies from person to person
but the employer needs to take care not to add to stress levels
by placing them under undue pressure.

Robert Edwards

If you have a question – or can offer an answer – go to

Any Answers
Any Answers is the place to go to share your professional
experiences with others. A selection of new Any Answers
questions posted this week:

Jane Holmes is looking for some advice on team based pay? Can
you outline the pros and cons for her?

Stress policies: Natalie Keane is looking for some guidelines.
Do you have a policy in place you are willing to share?

Can you help this HRZone member dismiss an employee fairly?

Subscription Information
HR Zone publishes a range of regular newswires, including:
– HR Zone Members Newswire
– HR Briefing

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Tel:+44 117 915 9600 Fax:+44 117 915 9630

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