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Member wire #96 – Secrets of HR success


HR Zone Members Newswire Issue 96
26 April 2005

1. Editor’s Comment: Can workplaces survive without leaders?
2. How to: Network successfully
3. Colborn’s Corner: Is there a place for ethics in HR?
4. Tempers fly as BA loses part-time working case
5. Any Answers: location, location, location

Editor’s note
We’ve spilt blood and tears to bring you the new ‘svelte’ HRZone
service, making it easier for you to navigate to the items you
want – quickly.

Focusing on the issues you’ve told us you want to hear about,
we’ll be introducing some new feature series over the
forthcoming weeks.

HRZone would like to thank all the members, contributors and
advertisers who have helped us shape the new layout. We hope you
like what we’ve done and we’d love to hear your views at

Thank you also to those who contributed their thoughts on what
it takes to make it to the top of the HR tree – we were
delighted by the response. To see our members selection of what
the right ingredients for HR success are click here:

Annie Hayes

Towry Law Financial Services Limited provides a wide range of
services for corporate and individual clients across the UK.
This issue of Business Outlook, our corporate newsletter,
features articles of particular interest to HR Zone readers on
absenteeism, pension schemes, sickness absence programmes,
employee benefits and the new procedures relating to
disciplinary action. Click here:

Welcome new members
This week, HR Zone welcomes members from the following
organisations, among others, to the site:

Verifile Limited; Tulip Fresh Meats; American Express; Davies
Tanner; Centre for Economic Research and Intelligence; FedEx
Express; LifeSearch; AAH Pharmaceuticals; Towry Law; Charles
Russell; Idea People; BBC Worldwide; Blue Arrow; Royal Bank of
Scotland plc; Big Yellow Self Storage; Haygroup; Britannic
management Services Ltd; Corporate Benefits UK; Executive
Grapevine; Reed Consulting

Editor’s Choice

Editor’s Comment: Can workplaces survive without leaders?
It doesn’t take much scratching around the history of mankind to
find that leadership and dominance is a biological universal
among all social mammals; Editor’s Comment looks at why we can’t
escape from the ‘I lead you follow’ model.

How to: Network successfully
According to a recent leadership study, becoming a master at
self-promotion is one of the most fail-safe ways of getting to
the top.

Colborn’s Corner: Is there a place for ethics in HR?
While going through the fortnightly process of musing over the
next topic to address in Colborn’s Corner I couldn’t help but
start to think about the collapse of MG Rover.

Top news stories

Tempers fly as BA loses part-time working case
First Officer Jessica Starmer has won her case against British
Airways (BA) for their refusal to allow her to work 50% part

Working time opt-out is scrapped
By 2010 employers will no longer be able to ask staff to agree
to working longer than 48 hours a week.

Skill shortages bite as jobs pick up
The skills gap is widening as the job market recovers, according
to the latest survey from the Recruitment Confidence Index(RCI).

Hot desking is a turn off for workers
Recruitment experts claim that hot-desking; the practice whereby
staff do not have their own desks, but are allocated work space
according to their needs is leading to an unhappy workforce.

HR prepares to party
HR and PR departments are splashing out on corporate events
designed to boost staff motivation and lift morale levels.

Businesses struggle to kick the smoking habit
As many as 300 people a year in the UK die of lung cancer from
passive smoking but despite the statistics businesses are still
finding it hard to take the final steps to a blanket-ban.

More news…

Flexible working tops pay in ‘wants’ list
Work-life balance comes second in importance only to pay for
British staff, with 70% wanting their employers to offer
flexible working.

Board members need more vetting
Organisations should review their criteria for recruiting and
appraising Board directors.

Bosses police e-mail activity
A new survey shows that UK businesses are clamping down on the
use of personal e-mail.

Featured Any Answers question: Location, location, location
Q: We have made an employee redundant but have offered suitable
alternative employment elsewhere, utilising the mobility clause
within his contract. We are worried that he will claim unfair
dismissal if we fire him for refusing to take up the alternative
job offer. He is claiming that the new job location is an
unreasonable distance for him to travel. What are the rules?

Bob Hope

Members’ responses
(Edited comments appear – see the site for full details)

You are right to be worried and need to persuade them to move on
to the next contract. If there is no notice provision you start
from an assumption of paying for the remaining four months of
the contract. Finishing early must have been foreseeable so you
are stuck with the contract and will have to rely on the
mobility clause which has to be reasonable. In my experience 45
miles can be nothing or impossible but you need to start
thinking quickly about incentives.

Peter Stanway

Read the full responses to this question – and add your own – at

Subscription Information
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– HR Zone Members Newswire
– HR Briefing

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