It’s the little things in life that can really get to you and lift etiquette at work appears to be one of those things.
Here are the top eight most annoying habits of colleagues when using the lift, according to a poll of 400 UK workers conducted by online jobs board, They comprise people:
- Standing too close to you when there’s plenty of other room (36%)
- Squeezing in when it’s already crowded (36%)
- Not holding the door open when you’re running to catch it (30%)
- Taking the lift to travel one or two floors instead of taking the stairs (29%)
- Who won’t move out of the way to let others out (28%)
- Talking on their mobile phones (23%)
- Jumping the queue to get in when others have been waiting longer (23%)
- Holding the door open for an extended period of time because they’re waiting for someone (20%).