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Paternity Leave


looking to find out what other companies are doing with regards to paternity leave, are you paying full pay or are employees expected to take the statutory benefit?

I am looking to implement a policy and want to have a better understanding of what seems reasonable?
jane hayward

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7 Responses

  1. Paternity Pay
    We pay 1 week full pay and 1 week statutory rate. Either 2 weeks or 2 x 1wk blocks.

  2. Paternity pay arrangements
    Eligible employees in our company receive 90% of their average weekly pay for each week of statutory paternity leave (max 2 weeks). Payment during this leave period is calculated using a similar method to that used to calculate higher rate Statutory Maternity Pay. Staff who do not qualify for paid paternity leave as defined by our policy are entitled to up to five days unpaid leave. If you would like further details, please email me;

  3. Paternity Leave
    We pay the first week at 50% of salary and the second week at the statutory rate of pay, currently at £100, rising to £102.80 in April 2004.

  4. Paternity pay
    Hi Jane

    We currently pay SPP plus 2 days full pay and the option to take annual leave. I have found that most employees take the 2 days full pay then some annual leave rather than the SPP.

    Drop me a mail and I will send you our policy and forms which may be of assistance

    Good luck


  5. Paternity Leave – statutory pay
    We currently pay the statutory rate. This was a little problematic when we introduced it as in the past time off had been granted on a very informal / mangers discretion basis which was inherently unfair normally with full pay.

    The complaints seemed to have stopped now and staff appreciate that everyone is being treated the same – however the take up rate has been very low because of the pay rate.

  6. Paid Paternity Leave
    We give only the statutory pay of £100 pw. If you are looking to pay more, I suppose you should also consider what you pay for those on maternity leave?

  7. Paid paternity leave
    We provide 10 days at full pay (not SPP)to be taken either two blocks of one week or one period of two weeks.

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