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Annie Hayes




Podcasts new weapon in graduate hunt


Cadbury Schweppes added podcasts to its armoury in its efforts to track down the graduate recruits it needs for 2007.

Today’s graduates have a higher expectation of being able to use the internet as a primary source of information and communication.

September 2005 saw the launch of the first graduate blog, offering an insight into a ‘day in the life’ of Cadbury Schweppes graduates.

The blog attracted over 60,000 visits, which contributed to nearly 4,000 graduate recruitment scheme applications – a 50 per cent increase on 2004.

Building on that success, the 2007 graduate recruitment website now features MP3 downloads, where the company’s graduates speak candidly about their experiences on the Cadbury Schweppes graduate recruitment scheme.

Topics range from why they chose Cadbury Schweppes, day-to-day roles and responsibilities, training and mentoring opportunities as well as top tips for the graduate assessment days and insights into the inner workings of the company.

Olivia Blaney, Cadbury Schweppes graduate trainee, comments: “I chose Cadbury Schweppes for several reasons: its heritage and ethical stance; the international possibilities and because of the training.”

Susan Hands from the Graduate Resourcing team said: “We have introduced MP3 downloads to our website to offer potential candidates a more personal insight into the opportunities available at Cadbury Schweppes right at the start of the application process.

“Along with the graduate blogs, the MP3 download allows applicants to listen to our graduates’ experiences first hand.

“After the success of the blogs, graduates told us that the best way to really find out what it’s like to join the Cadbury Schweppes graduate scheme is to hear directly from our current graduates themselves.”

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Annie Hayes


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