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Recruitment is increasingly a shared responsibility


More than half of employers surveyed have made changes to the roles of key people within the recruitment process, according to new research.

Line managers have experienced the biggest shift; more than four in five employers surveyed are now involving line managers to a greater degree when recruiting some or all vacancies.

The IRS research, conducted in late 2003, is based on a survey of 208 HR departments.

Other key findings:

  • In early 2001, 9% of employers were increasing the involvement of their personnel directors in recruitment, but by late 2003 this had increased in the same organisations to 40%.

  • Centralised HR personnel are being increasingly involved. One in three compared with zero in 2001 – are now more involved in recruitment for some vacancies and just under half for all vacancies.

  • Local personnel specialists are increasingly likely to be involved in recruitment. Almost three in 10 respondents use them.

  • A quarter of respondents use central personnel staff while just under one in four use personnel directors.

  • Organisations are also more likely to increase the use of employment agencies in recruitment, with almost half stepping up the role they play.

  • The public sector is increasing the use of personnel staff at all levels of seniority, and generally to a greater extent than private sector employers.

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