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Recruitment via e-mail


We currently recruit by sending out application pack via the mail. We are considering changing to despatching application packs via e-mail. Has anyone discovered the pros and cons of moving to e-mail requests?
Cathrine Robinson

2 Responses

  1. similar questioned asked 28 2 2001
    I asked a similar question on the 28 Feb 2001 and had one reply of interest, which might be worth reading.

  2. Email Recruitment
    I’ve been recruiting using methods including email to send out selection documents for some time and find the greatest advantages are:

    1. You can arrange an autoresponder to send an email with a nice covering letter, attaching relevant files and putting links into the email for sites that may be of interest eg, your firm’s site, your city’s site
    2. Costs are reduced considerably
    3. People get a quick response which is very much expected now
    4. You don’t have to copy, pack and post your materials.

    Having said that, you need to advise applicants in your advert of the types of software they need to read your documents eg, ‘Download our selection documents which require Adobe Reader to access.’

    Also, if the file size you need to send is too large, it can be an impediment rather than a godsend.

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