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Research shows poor response to graduate applications


New research out yesterday from Axiom Software, creators of JobQ recruitment software, found that almost one in three (58%) of graduates expect a response to a job application within two weeks, and a third (36%) within one week. However, companies are failing to do this. Only one in six (18%) of the companies they have approached manage to respond within a week.

Other findings include:

  • More than three quarters (78%) of today’s graduates would not work for a company that has a poor ethical record, and over half (54%) would not accept a higher paying entry role rather than an ideal job that paid less.
  • Two thirds (59%) of respondents said that 20 years down the line they would rather be running their own business than managing the board of a FTSE company.
  • Over half (52%) of those surveyed expect to be made redundant at least once in their lifetime.
  • 62% have done a psychometric test, indicating that organisations are investing in tests to identify the right people.
  • More than half (54%) rated training and development as the first factor that would attract them to a job – it is more important to them than their salary (35%).
  • The chance of being fast tracked ranks third (28%) in graduates’ list of priorities, ahead of location (25%).

    Mark Housley, CEO of Axiom Software commented, “We commissioned this research to gain an insight into today’s graduates and how they approach the job application process. Speed of communication is one of the Internet’s assets, and employers need to realise that graduates expect this of their online applications. Employers need to ensure that their website is more than a mere posting of facts about themselves with a recruitment page hidden somewhere.”

    The findings were part of a study of 130 graduates conducted on behalf of Axiom JobQ via JobQ uses software allied to a range of assessment tools to match applicants to jobs.

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