Flexible working – are employers missing a trick?

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This new report reveals why, despite legislation and its growing popularity, flexible working is not as widespread as it could be and why some organisations struggle to implement it successfully.

Great Place to Work®’s research into the UK workforce revealed six critical factors to successful flexible working.  The research also highlights:

  • Which flexible working options are more important to employees
  • How this varies across sectors and roles
  • What percentage of employers offer them
  • How top performing organisations such as the UK's Best Workplaces approach flexible working

The report reveals the one key factor that all organisations need if flexible working is to be effective. It will help organisations understand how they can implement flexible working in a way that benefits both employer and employee. 



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Every organisation has the potential to be a great business and a great employer and our commitment is to help them achieve that.

Great Place to Work® is part of the world’s largest employee research consultancy. We help organisations improve business performance by understanding and improving their workplace culture. Culture is ultimately an organisation’s strongest competitive advantage as it drives engagement which drives business performance. We assess workplace culture in two ways: (i) by measuring how employees experience it and (ii) evaluating the organisation’s leadership and HR practices that create it. Together, this provides a unique detailed and comparative analysis of an organisation’s workplace and identifies the real issues it needs to address.

It is this unique process which drives the Best Workplace awards, the world’s most respected and credible employer awards. Highly sought after for their impact on employer branding, they tell the world ‘we’re a great employer, brand and business

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