The DNA of Financial Wellbeing: Our borrowing needs

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We’ve surveyed 10,000 employees, and also 580 employers to understand more about how individuals’ financial wellbeing relates to their work. This book focuses on day-to-day money management and borrowing and explores how employees’ concerns in these areas impact their everyday lives.

What’s inside:

  • How different genders, age groups and incomes manage credit and debt
  • Understand the impact of debt on employee behaviour, mental and physical health
  • What employees need help with to take control of their finances

What you'll learn


Neyber is a provider of financial employee benefits. We enable employees to reduce borrowing costs with access to affordable loans integrated with payroll – all at no cost to the employer.

Our mission is to pioneer the creation of workplace communities that will enable employees to borrow and save together at fairer rates and to cut credit costs.

As Neyber’s technology integrates with payroll, employers can offer an easy-to-implement workplace financial solution that acts as a key driver for employee engagement, productivity and to reduce stress-related absenteeism.

Through our affordable rates, we have delivered an effective average 5% pay rise to the majority of existing Neyber borrowers, by enabling them to consolidate their debts, saving them up to 20% on monthly debt repayments.

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