Training trends report: Set yourself up for success

With so much at stake in terms of employee retention, customer experience and brand, this report will help ensure that your organisation is set up for success.

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In-house training is gaining momentum but continues to fall short, with 99% of large employers experiencing failure with their training programmes in the last five years.

How can organisations better set themselves up for success when it comes to tailored training? To help answer this question City and Guilds, in partnership with the Institute of Leadership and Management, have uncovered key in-house training trends to pay attention to.

Download this report for guidance on how to take your in-house training to the next level.


What you'll learn:

  • What the top challenges are at each stage of the development and implementation of in-house training.
  • The benefits from companies offering external certifications.
  • How to get a better return on training investment.
  • Why benchmarking your training is so important.


Helping people, organisations and economies develop their skills for growth.

For over 140 years we have worked with people, organisations and economies to help them identify and develop the skills they need to thrive. We understand the life changing link between skills development, social mobility, prosperity and success.

We partner with our customers to deliver work-based learning programmes that build competency, to support better prospects for people, organisations and wider society. We create flexible learning pathways that support lifelong employability, because we believe that people deserve the opportunity to (re)train and (re)learn again and again – gaining new skills at every stage of life, regardless of where they start.

We’re a Royal Chartered Institute and a registered charity, everything we do is charitable. We invest our surplus into expanding and enhancing our solutions across all of our brands, to meet the changing needs of organisations and industries. And through our City & Guilds Foundation we amplify our purpose by focusing on high impact social investment, recognition and advocacy programmes which remove barriers to getting a job, celebrate best practice on the job and advocate for jobs of the future.

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