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Setting up sound HR policies, practices and procedures in a small co.


I work for a small company (30 staff) where there is little HR practices, policies and procedures. I want to set up sound policies, practices and procedures for my company and would like some help in:

+ finding out what are the important policies, practices and procedures that should be in place now and in the future for my size of company, and

+ how best to implement them

Can anybody help?
Martin Earl

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4 Responses

  1. Arian Associates Ltd
    email PHIL CORK of ADEPTAT, he is ex Rolls Royce HR and is damn good. Tell him Peter from Arian Associates said to get in touch.

  2. Sound HR Policies
    Dear Martin,

    There is a wealth of information out there on the web. The best names in the business are Croners and Gee. There is also the CIPD website – but this has membership restrictions. I also suggest you visit the DTI and ACAS websites.

    By all means call if I can be of more help -01926 831660.

  3. Martin don’t despair help is at hand!

    I could help you over this – I specialise in helping small companies ensure their policies comply with current legislation and bring benefit both to the organisation and staff. If you would like any further info please email me on or ring on 01243 837955. Regards Eileen

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