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Slippers hide a serious problem


How many of your employees wore slippers to work yesterday as they took part in the Samaritans’ Stress Down Day?

But underneath all the frivolity, there’s a serious message. Research carried out on the Samaritans’ behalf revealed that 17 per cent of people are stressed out every day.

In addition, 32 per cent of people admitted they turn to drink to feel less stressed – up from 23 per cent in 2003; 68 per cent of people say stress makes them feel irritable while 56 per cent said being stressed interrupted their sleep patterns.

Money has taken over from work as the top cause of stress – being cited by 51 per cent of respondents compared to 38 per cent – but workplace stress is still the top factor affecting employee productivity and the second biggest cause of occupational ill health.

Employers have a duty under both health and safety legislation and common law to ensure the wellbeing of their employees. Case law indicates that if an employer fails to take reasonable steps to lessen stress when he or she has been informed of a problem, then they will be found guilty of negligence.

Even if your workplace missed the day, the Samaritans’ dedicated stress down website has useful advice. Tips for employers can be found here.

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