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Annie Hayes




Softworld Feature: E-HR at Devon County Council



John Thorndyke workforce planning and development manager at Devon County Council will be hosting a 9.00 breakfast briefing on Thursday 21 October at the forthcoming Softworld HR & Payroll event; read on for a preview taster of his experiences of streamlining learning and development through E-HR.

How to manage the training and development needs of 12,000 employees

Devon County Council is the largest employer in its region and one of the first local authorities to implement specialised training and development software to help manage training for its 12,000 employees.

Historically, Devon County Council managed training in an ad hoc way, using basic spreadsheets to keep tabs on staff training, which was time-consuming and relied heavily on paper. Due to the pressure of its training needs, the Council decided to implement a comprehensive Training System with online functionality for its line managers and employees, choosing software supplier Snowdrop Systems.

Rolling out a major learning and development system

Acquiring new software is a complex task, requiring a high degree of planning, to ensure both a smooth implementation and a maximum return once the system is installed. John will examine the ways in which Devon County Council approached rolling out the system across the board, looking at the importance of knowing what you want, selecting the right supplier and putting together an effective project management team.

Measuring and improving performance from E-HR
The Council’s new E-HR system has allowed them to share key information with line managers and employees, to reduce the administrative burden and streamline many everyday processes. This has impacted positively not only within Training, but through the organisation as a whole and has improved the level of service provided to customers.

Within the seminar John will discuss how to measure the performance of web-based Training systems, the ways in which they affect the overall running of an organisation and the level of information you can expect from a new system.

What everyone should know before they start
John will be using the invaluable benefit of hindsight to inform listeners about the things you should know before embarking upon the implementation of a new system. He will be looking at areas such as knowing the market, setting realistic expectations and having a defined set of goals for your new software.

With John’s advice and expertise, attendees should feel more confident about approaching the often daunting prospect of selecting a new software supplier and preparing your business case to the board, with a real sense of the benefits of an E-HR system.

Pre-register here to avoid disappointment.

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Annie Hayes


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