What is mental fitness? Learn how to exercise your brain

Erin Eatough shares a quick overview on the difference between mental fitness and mental health and how to build your mental muscles.
What many organisations get wrong about change

Too often change focuses on labels, functions and centres of excellence rather than what actually makes a difference.
The rise of the ‘involved’ employee and what it means for business

Employee engagement is no longer enough. Your workers need to feel involved and immersed in the design of the workplace.
Seven types of listening essentials for your HR skillset

You may think you’re a good listener, but is that really the case?
What being diagnosed with ADHD at 40 taught me about neurodiverse teams

On Neurodiversity Celebration Week 2022, CEO Helen May shares the story of her later-in-life ADHD diagnosis.
If you want a positive company culture, tackle your inner saboteurs

Build a positive workplace culture to combat apathy and a lack of focus.
What can HR learn from the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine?

Residing in Poland, Raf Uzar shares how people are coming together to support Ukrainian refugees. What lessons can we take from this humanitarian response?
How leaders relate to self, impacts their relationship with others

As a leader, you cannot nurture good relationships with others if you do not build a good relationship with yourself first.
Corporate Explorers: How HR can help unleash entrepreneurial talent

How can HR nurture entrepreneurial spirit and innovation if they don’t know how and where to find it?
Why it’s time for HR to scrap organisational values

Senior leadership might love the old company values, but now is the perfect time to rip up the rule book and focus on behaviours not values.
Bridging the gap: Supporting menopausal women in the workplace

To mark World Menopause week, Helen Hughes offers actionable advice to HR professionals on supporting women experiencing the menopause.
How to develop democratic, inclusive and kind leadership

A culture of kindness, inclusivity and democracy begins with the leadership. Encourage a culture of caring and reap the benefits.
How to unlock accurate memories during workplace investigations

Gary Rogers of TCM Group explains how to access accurate memories during complex workplace investigations using The Cognitive Interview technique
Over 55s are suffering from institutional ageism and it’s hindering the economy

Ageism is rife in the UK and is damaging the economy.
How women can break into non-exec board positions

Helene Usherwood looks at how more women can break into the world of non-executive board positions, and why it is a crucial step in cognitive diversification.
How to uncover hidden workplace conflict and facilitate constructive conversations

In the new world of work, traditional formal resolutions are out, and a more informal, compassionate approach is in.
Three ways to ensure re-entry anxiety doesn’t escalate into a toxic work environment

If employees’ re-entry fears are left unresolved, toxic behaviours may creep in. How can HR avoid this?
Gareth Southgate: six leadership attributes of a Maverick Leader

England’s Football Manager Gareth Southgate has been widely lauded for his leadership style. His Maverick approach is what brings such success.
Conflict management: why managers must stop burying their heads in the sand

Why acknowledgement is the first step to resolving workplace conflict.
How remote working amplifies perceptions of bullying

HR needs to understand how remote working can amplify perceptions of bullying behaviour.