Why coaching is the answer to everything

person walking on beach during daytime: coach, train

Organisations today grapple with an ever-changing environment, hybrid and flexible working, multi-generational diverse workforces and growing levels of stress and burnout. Could coaching be the answer to all of these complexities?

CoachGPT: Is the future of coaching AI enabled?

yellow and black robot toy; CoachGPT: Is the future of coaching AI enabled?

How can we leverage generative AI to increase the accessibility of coaching in a way that enhances the performance of individuals, teams and organisations? Here, we explore the challenges, opportunities and ethical considerations for businesses looking to adopt AI coachbots.

Three cornerstones for influencing peers outside HR 

cherry blossoms representing a blossoming workplace culture in which employees exert beneficial influence

HR teams face a perennial challenge: how to gain support for investments in people when the minds of peers are elsewhere. A crucial and often overlooked first step is to secure the personal cornerstones of influence.