Ten tips to harness your brain’s full potential

By better understanding the brain we can harness its potential and become the best leaders we can be
Why you need a Plan B and C up your sleeve for succession planning

Set your succession planning up for success to ensure continuity of leadership and a smooth transition.
How can managers refresh 1-1 conversations to help people grow?

Meeting employees’ desire to grow is key to maintaining engagement and motivation.
Is your culture in change-ready or change-sabotage mode?

Getting change ready is necessary to manage the impact of change and coaching conversations are crucial here
Why ADHD coaching can create a more inclusive workplace

This Neurodiversity Celebration Week ADHD coach, Leanne Maskell shares ways that organisations can create a more inclusive workplace for neurodiverse people.
How to conquer limiting beliefs and build a growth mindset

Limiting beliefs are a problem permeating through most businesses today. How can we put a stop to them?
What is job crafting and how can it create more meaningful work?

How can HR help shape the working lives of their people so they feel more meaningful.
12 reasons why mentorship is the key to good business

Cut the conflict and boost thinking and integrity with collaborative coaching in 2023.
How to banish a toxic blame culture forever

How do you know what your culture is? And how can you change it from a culture of blame to one where everyone takes responsibility?
Managers need to step up to prevent a ‘quiet firing’ culture

Quiet firing is a term for companies that push employees out by allowing a toxic environment. Here’s how to stop this from happening in your organisation.
Are you creating a culture of employee resilience?

Organisations can actively build more resilient cultures by using a coaching approach to raise self-awareness and nurture greater employee resilience.
How leaders can develop future-minded skills

Karen Saukas, EMEA Content Manager, from BetterUp examines why UK employees are struggling and what leaders can do to motivate their workforce.
Five ways to avoid employee crisis management fatigue

From the pandemic to the war in Ukraine, here are five ways HR can help employees manage crisis fatigue.
Why leadership is the most critical skill HR needs to develop in a constantly changing world

The pace of change today is more rapid than ever, which is why good leadership is the most critical skill HR needs to develop.
How to develop democratic, inclusive and kind leadership

A culture of kindness, inclusivity and democracy begins with the leadership. Encourage a culture of caring and reap the benefits.
Should everyone get their own coach?

The problems with providing a one-size-fits-all coaching app to your employees.
Mentoring prepares you for honest feedback – embrace it

Being able to receive feedback objectively and act on it is a skill we should all cultivate.
How good coaching can replace bad performance reviews

There seems to be increasing chatter in the HR and L&D worlds that it’s time to abandon performance reviews and annual appraisals. The claim is that these processes are a tired relic of 20th century manual work and have no relevance to today’s knowledge economy. There are certainly some obvious problems. For example, how do […]
Rise to the top: how to nurture successful teams

Performance management strategies would benefit from embracing Carol Dweck’s theory: developing a growth mindset that actively encourages talent to learn and improve. Imagine a world in which ‘know-it-alls’ are replaced with ‘learn-it-alls’. Not a bad vision, is it? As a topic of conversation in the HR world, it’s encouraging to see that ongoing learning is increasingly being […]
Professional development: the challenges of introducing a coaching culture

At Academics’ Corner we explore the latest HR research coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know about. Here, Jan Hills, Partner at Head Heart + Brian, discusses research on the issues faced with introducing a coaching culture. According to a new study from the International Centre for Leadership Coaching, most managers don’t understand what coaching […]