Talking Point: Does HR have a role in CSR programmes?
The role of HR in corporate social responsibility programmes is not dissimilar to that in any other company initiative. But given widespread confusion as to what CSR actually comprises, HR personnel could be forgiven for wondering exactly how they fit into the broader picture. A common definition of CSR is a corporate programme that […]
In a Nutshell: Five considerations when setting up your own business
Karen Gill, co-founder of everywoman, a women’s membership organisation that aims to increase both the number and status of women in business, knows from first-hand experience how hard it is to set up a company and the pitfalls that await. Here she offers advice to anyone thinking of striking out on their own: 1. Learn […]
Blog: How to undertake staff communications with pizzazz
Over the years some have found that HR communication has become somewhat synonymous with flat messages, full of corporate jargon that take up space in their inbox and rarely entice the recipient to open, let alone read it… Until now. With all the developments in modern technology HR departments all over the world should be […]
In a Nutshell: The five core principles of effective leadership
If you bumped into the chief executive in the lift and were asked to tell him/her what you thought the five core principles of effective leadership were, what would you say? Wendy Brooks, director at leadership training provider, Hemsley Fraser, shares her ideas on the subject: 1. Be an active learner and foster learning […]
Blog: Five ways to encourage a proper workplace dialogue
Once upon a time, effective internal communication meant simply sharing information through top-down channels – via a cascade approach as information filtered down through the organization. Now it means helping organisations deliver better performance; enabling employees to understand and play their role in the corporate strategy – that’s a key role for HR to play, […]
An HRD’s guide to tackling pension auto-enrolment
As the introduction of pension auto-enrolment becomes increasingly imminent for large organisations (from 1 October this year), we have attempted to answer some of the key questions that HR directors raise about the issue in a bid to help them deal with it as effectively as possible: Q. What is the timetable for auto-enrolment? […]
International workforces: Supporting non-native English speakers
It goes without saying that it is much easier for people to work together if they can communicate effectively. But one consideration in this context is the increasingly international nature of the modern workplace. As a result, HR directors have a big part to play in supporting new employees moving to the UK for […]
Blog: The art of mobile motivation
Gone are the days when managers wanting to motivate their staff simply had to call a team meeting in the office anytime and everyone would be there. As a result of remote working and flexible hours it is very rare for most of the team to be in one building at the same time, certainly […]
The HRZone Interview: Best Companies’ Wayne Clarke on engagement
Wayne Clarke is managing partner at workplace engagement specialists, Best Companies, the firm behind the prestigious Sunday Times ‘Best Companies to Work For’ annual listing of high-performing organisations. It has identified eight key factors that are critical to be an employer that staff rate highly. They comprise: How employees feel about their leaders How […]
In a Nutshell: Five tips for creating a positive company culture
Culture is one of those nebulous things that it’s hard to put your finger on: it’s something you instinctively know is spot on or out of kilter. Get it right and you have a happy workforce who will hopefully ensure that customers are happy too. Get it wrong and there is a chain reaction in […]
Blog: Communication is the essence of good leadership
All eyes turned towards the manager as she gave her opinion of a strategy that was being discussed. This was part of the strategic meeting with the leadership team, with the C-Level executive sitting at the head of the table. As she walked through her reasoning, everyone was nodding their head in agreement. She […]
Legal Insight: How do you control social media usage in a BYOD world?
Media reports and a growing number of employment tribunal cases have revealed just how naive but also cruel and sometimes defamatory people can be when it comes to communicating online. But if social networking does get out of hand, it can generate potential problems and liabilities for employers. Social media buffs can use the […]
News: HR pros ‘most likely to share a secret’
The average HR professional spends about half an hour each day nattering to colleagues about non-work-related issues and is more likely than any other profession to share a personal secret. These are the key findings of a survey conducted among 2,000 office staff by Mars Drinks Office Connections. It revealed that, while an average […]
Blog: What are your staff non-verbals really saying to customers?
What do your employees unwittingly communicate to customers about how important they are to the company? Despite the focus on customer service, customer experience and more recently customer engagement, the following examples of employee behaviours are still common – and of course impact how customers feel about the company: 1. It’s Too Much Trouble I was […]
The HR Headmistress: Is it time to change the way we train HR pros?
There has always been debate about the best way to train entry-level workers in the necessary skills for any given occupation. Historically, there have been three ways of learning a trade. These are: qualification by experience, which is gained over time a mix of experience and study carried out while working intensive study, followed […]
News: Social media undervalued as employee comms tool
Most employers are failing to take advantage of social media as a means of improving their internal communications despite high levels of staff interest in them doing so. According to a survey conducted among 1,500 employees by recruitment process outsourcing provider hyphen, a mere 17.4% said that they were aware of any attempt by their […]
Blog: Lessons from Mars – How to prevent staff burn-out
As Curiosity touched down on Mars we all saw an elated NASA team jumping for joy that their lengthy mission had successfully reached a fundamental milestone. The passion of the engineers, scientists and astronauts involved in the project was obvious for all watched the news that day, but back down here on Earth there a […]
Case Study: LV= focuses on staff enagement to negotiate change
LV= (London Victoria) has nearly tripled its workforce from 2,000 employees in 2007 to 5,600 in 2012 and now insures one in 10 cars on the road. But its HR director, David Smith, recognises that such fast growth can foster uncertainty and anxiety as well as generate cultural change that is not always positive. […]
Blog: Four considerations when learning to manage upwards
“I need to talk to you about an employee that I am having trouble with.” Like a lot of you, I get calls all the time with people that want to bounce things off of me. I also volunteer my HR services to non-profits. This statement came from a founding member of the non-profit […]
Blog: Do you have an employee value proposition?
I wanted to share some thinking from a recent article in our SCM Journal on a topic that I know sits close to the heart of many HR executives, as well as Internal Communicators. The Employee Value Proposition (EVP). If EVP feels too much like yet another piece of management jargon, I’m with you. But […]