Women are more suited to leadership, but find it harder to reach the top

There’s so much rich insight coming out of the academic sector that HR professionals need to know. At Academics’ Corner we feature the best HR researchers that tell you what they’ve found and what you need to do differently on the back of the research. Get connected to the academic sector through Academics’ Corner and […]
Treading on eggshells? Autism in the workplace

Employing an individual on the autistic spectrum can be culturally enriching and develop unique communication skills amongst colleagues and managers, who work alongside employees on the autistic spectrum. However, let’s be realistic, until this point is reached, it can be challenging, leading to stressful situations and a real fear of the dreaded word “tribunal”. With personalised, […]
What you can do about the workplace gender gap

For a long time, many people saw workplace diversity as little more than a box-ticking exercise, or simply a banner for companies to wave. Thankfully, these attitudes are disappearing and now workplace diversity is increasingly being recognised for what it is: crucial for business success. In recent years, HR departments have made huge and tangible […]
Gig economy: the equality challenge?

This article was co-authored by Sean Dempsey, Partner, Lewis Silkin LLP and David Hopper, Associate, Lewis Silkin LLP. The onward march of technology and the “gig economy” is re-shaping the workplace with the move away from traditional “9-to-5” jobs and towards technology-enabled “gigging” for a multiplicity of work providers at any one time. An authoritative study published […]
Analysing the upcoming challenges HR is facing

April is upon us, and as the clocks have jumped forward we’ve also entered an important period of time for HR professionals. Gender pay reporting has arrived, the minimum wage is changing and the apprenticeship levy is being rolled out. These changes will raise challenges for some organisations however they also provide opportunities to improve […]
Evidence-based agony aunt: I’m the only woman in leadership meetings after promotion and I’m having a crisis of confidence

Our evidence-based agony aunt, Jan Hills, uses findings from neuroscience and psychology to tell you how to solve your organisational problems in brain-savvy ways, that work with the mind’s natural tendecies and not against it. Got a problem you want her to look at it? Drop us a line at editor@hrzone.com. We’ll get back quickly. Question […]
Evidence-based agony aunt: should I leave because my male colleagues are paid more?

Our evidence-based agony aunt, Jan Hills, uses findings from neuroscience and psychology to tell you how to solve your organisational problems in brain-savvy ways, that work with the mind’s natural tendecies and not against it. Got a problem you want her to look at it? Drop us a line at editor@hrzone.com. We’ll get back quickly. Question […]
Evidence-based agony aunt: revered boss making inappropriate comments

Our evidence-based agony aunt, Jan Hills, uses findings from neuroscience and psychology to tell you how to solve your organisational problems in brain-savvy ways, that work with the mind’s natural tendecies and not against it. Got a problem you want her to look at it? Drop us a line at editor@hrzone.com. We’ll get back quickly. Question […]
How to hang onto female talent – the problem of the ‘pinched middle’

For over 100 years International Women’s Day has celebrated the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women, but today has also been used as a call to action for accelerating gender parity in the workplace, across all industry sectors, throughout the world. Like many other industries, management consultancies are struggling to retain women and […]
The myth of the male versus female brain

On International Women’s Day it seemed fitting to share some new science on the male and female brain. There is a common belief that men and women have different brains but a recent meta-analysis is calling this belief into question. A meta-analysis is a statistical approach for combining the results of multiple studies, in this […]
Beyond quotas: what are the ingredients for true diversity?

Diversity in the workplace is a good thing. It’s amazing to think that there can be so much confusion and controversy over such a seemingly simple statement. The problem begins to appear when we start to define our terms. What do we mean by diversity, how can we measure it, and how does it benefit […]
5 reasons we should stop talking about family friendly workplaces

In 1999 I talked to my then employer about an idea I had. I was training as a coach for leaders and teams and loving what I was learning. At the same time I was a senior producer with a major broadcaster and didn’t want to walk away from a career I’d devoted a decade […]
How to make maternity leave work for both employers and employees

Want to ensure that maternity leave works for everyone involved? From shared parental leave to mentoring returning parents back in the workplace, here's how to keep all staff happy. This article was originally published on Mumsnet. As we hear daily on Mumsnet, pregnancy and new motherhood bring with them a raft of challenges. Not the least among […]
Going back: what fears and hopes do mothers have before returning to the workplace?

From being there for your kids to coping with the stresses of working life, Mumsnet users share their thoughts on returning to work after having children. This article was originally published on Mumsnet. Above and beyond the important stuff like HR policies and procedures, mothers’ fears and hopes on returning from maternity leave are often focused […]
Beyond the nappy zone: Why older people and carers need flexibility too

It isn't just the parents of young children who need flexible leave – older people and carers also need the chance to work flexibly. This article was originally published on Mumsnet. Flexible working is an idea constantly associated with parents of young children, and (things being the way they are) specifically with mothers. Of course, […]
Achieving gender balance – the practical stuff

This is part two in a two-part series on achieving gender diversity. The first looks at why we need to focus on men, not women. When I first talk to organisations about their gender issues, the conversation usually starts with an explanation of their issue, for example, maternity non-returners or lack of female progress from […]
Achieving gender balance is about men – not women

This is part one in a two-part series on achieving gender diversity. The second part looks at the practical steps organisations can take. Why is it that whenever anyone talks of gender equality, the immediate thought is about women’s rights, feminist chants of discrimination in the workplace, pointing the finger at male leaders creating barriers […]
Maternity coaching: a crap name for an incredible development opportunity

It's HR in Retail month on HRZone! We're focusing on all things retail – check out our HR in retail hub to read all our great content! I want to start with a confession: despite my dislike of the terminology, if you search our website, you will find reference to maternity and paternity coaching. It’s become such […]
A snowball started rolling: lessons from Norway about gender quotas on boards

What are the main lessons that we can learn from the Norwegian women quota for corporate boards? The quota was introduced in 2002. In most countries in Europe the number of women on boards today are several times higher than it was in 2002. This is illustrated by the EU statistics displayed in the graph below. How […]
The state of family-friendliness in UK financial services

Over the last few years, academics and professionals alike have been documenting the gradual shift toward more flexible ways of working, in part facilitated by an evolution of Government legislation. Research has shown that flexible work can improve staff retention, improve morale and increase productivity. However, the definition of flexible working is broad and ill-defined […]