The wild west of workplace wellbeing

a man riding on the back of a brown horse: wellbeing at work

What exactly is wellbeing and why does it matter? The truth is, workplace wellbeing is mid-evolution and the commercialisation of the concept is causing confusion. We need to remind ourselves of what workplace wellbeing really is.

Are you instigating fear in the workplace?

brown eggs in a box: fear in the workplace

Many leaders acknowledge that fear is increasingly being seen in the workplace, due to financial concerns, global instability and issues around exclusion, but other leaders may themselves be the instigators of fear.

New legal rights for carers: What HR professionals need to know

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At a time when more workers than ever before have caring responsibilities let’s break down the Carer’s Leave Regulations 2024 and consider how and why employers should go above and beyond in providing more than the minimum that’s required by law.

Barclays discrimination claims: From lip service to lawsuits

person walking on beach during daytime representing a maze

Recent allegations of racial and gender discrimination in a hiring decision at Barclays highlights the damage caused by broken talent management approaches. Deborah Hartung explores five ways to fix this frustratingly common business problem.

Sexism in the City: How the ‘Boys’ Club’ perpetuates pay gaps

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On International Women’s Day, the Treasury Committee published its Sexism in the City report, and called for an end to the ‘era of impunity’. As we know, this era has gone on long enough. Working on a project in financial services around 10 years ago in South Africa, I learned that, apparently, between the 1960s […]

International Women’s Day 2024: Inspire Inclusion

four person holding each others waist at daytime

Today is International Women’s Day 2024 and this year’s theme is Inspire Inclusion. So, instead of coming up with a feisty piece calling out gender-based injustice and offering guidance on how to create change, this year we have gone in a different direction. This year we want to inspire women and allies, by sharing stories […]