Get comfortable with changing the world of work – now’s the time to act


The world of work needs to change and in a series of articles over the last few weeks, I’ve explained why and how. Change is always a challenge to introduce and implement, and the transformational change that I advocate, which really alters outcome for organisations and their stakeholders, can be a major undertaking.   Why […]

Engagement causes high performance, or vice versa?


This is an interview with Alex Edmans, Professor of Finance at London Business School. Alex will be speaking at Engage or Bust! on November 24th, a one-day event run by government taskforce Engage for Success. The event will look at ways organisations can improve engagement and features senior HR directors alongside academics giving you practical […]

Are you creating purpose for your employees?


How do 28% of the 150 million-strong US workforce primarily define the role of work in their lives? The answer: a source of personal fulfilment and a way to help others. These are purpose-oriented workers. You may not have heard of them. Yet new research from Imperative and New York University suggests these workers are […]

If you’re a reward manager, no news is good news


One of the odd things about pay is that you know there’s something wrong when people start getting excited about it.  The aim of the reward manager is to conduct his or her business engendering as little fuss or emotion as possible. If your people start punching the air with glee when you give them […]

How to include every one – without involving them


Firstly, the challenge… You are director of a small, creative start-up. You have a last minute opportunity to pitch for a sizable piece of work and must pull together a group of people to write a winning proposal overnight. You need your best creative minds in the room as well as people who can work […]

Multinationals: How managers can engage employees


Throughout the majority of our engagement research, we’ve seen that immediate managers continually play a key role in employees’ engagement and commitment. The questions we’re often asked are: what makes a great manager and how can managers increase engagement? During the previous two articles I examined engagement in multinationals and outlined why engagement needs CEOs.  […]

What can we learn from Denmark on happiness at work?


After years of international study, Danish workplaces continue to top polls and remain among the happiest in the world. What can we learn from their continued success? During the UN General Assembly in 2011, Jigme Thinley, the Prime Minister of Bhutan, offered to lead a panel discussion on the theme of happiness and wellbeing, inviting member […]

Book review: Connecting People by Kate Davies


HRZone has a range of books available for review. If you would like to receive one of our business books, free of charge, please contact the editor on editor at hrzone dot com and we can send you a list of what’s available. In return, we ask for a 400-700 word review of the book, […]

Employee engagement lessons from Caesars Entertainment


Jeremy Galinat is Director, Corporate Benefits at Caesars Entertainment. We talked to Jeremy following Caesars’ win in the Wellbeing category at the 2015 North American Employee Engagement Awards and discussed aspects of the Caesars wellness programme, including the importance of comprehensive and the company’s future aspirations. Why we think we won the award… Well, we […]

Millennials at work: are we subscribing to a fantasy?


What are some of the commonly held pre-conceptions about millennials in the workplace? They vary from curmudgeonly stereotypes of the under-35s as a bunch of entitled, narcissistic selfie-takers who aren’t capable of staying in the same job for more than five minutes through to more carefully considered research which shows that millennials are in search […]

Five minutes with Hyatt Hotels’ CHRO Robb Webb


This is an interview with Robb Webb, Chief Human Resources Officer at Hyatt Hotels. Robb will be speaking at the HR Tech World Congress taking place in Paris on October 27 – 28 Jamie Lawrence, Editor, HRZone: What’s your approach to talent attraction at Hyatt and how do you reduce ‘churn’ among your employee base? Robb Webb, CHRO, […]

“We have unbelievable support from the leadership.”


Sara Tatchio is Manager, Integrated Global Communications at Ford Motor Company. We interviewed Sara following Ford’s win in the Company of the Year category at the 2015 US Employee Engagement Awards. In this piece, Sara tells us why she thinks Ford won the accolade, how they ramped up engagement while welcoming a new CEO on board […]

Engagement myth #2: engagement is only about emotional connection


While an engaged employee might have more of an emotional connection to their employer, this doesn’t necessarily mean that an employee who has that emotional connection is also engaged. In fact, if you only have an emotional connection with your employees, and you have failed to engage them, you are running a huge risk to your […]

What is the management culture like in the most engaging organisations?


Top performing organisations develop thriving cultures and winning people practices that propel them into the upper quartile of engaging organisations. People Insight, a consultancy supporting hundreds of organisations to measure and improve employee engagement, have created PIPER (People Insight Peak Engagement Research), a new study asking the most engaged employees in the most engaging organisations […]

Learnings from the HRZone Engagement Conference


Michael spoke at, and attended, the Employee Engagement Conference 2015, presented by HRZone. In this piece he outlines the main learnings from the day. The agenda for the conference was promising, with CEO and HRD panels, and talks from familiar faces such as Perry Timms, Jan Hills and HRZone editor Jamie Lawrence. There were sessions […]

What keeps apetito CEO Paul Freeston up at night?


Paul Freeston is Chairman & Chief Executive of food manufacturing company apetito, who have provided meals to care homes, local authorities and hospitals for over 50 years. He talks to HRZone about his stance on engagement, how he’s developing competitive advantage through people, how apetito’s talent strategy is evolving, and what keeps him up at night. Jamie […]

If we created the ideal workplace, it would look like this


We know the business case for increasing employee engagement but let’s consider a fresh perspective. Vineet Nayar, CEO of HCL Technologies, globally one of the largest I.T. outsourcing firms, says HCL achieved this position by putting employees first and customers second. He says: the first question is “what is the core business of any corporation?” […]

First human capital standard sees value in people


People are the one asset every organization has, and the only asset which can make or break a business. In fact it is now more widely acknowledged that the best way to become a successful business is to have a successful workforce. By successful, we mean happy, fulfilled and valued enough to stay in their jobs and […]

Why engagement in multinationals needs CEOs


Boards of Directors (including C-level and CEOs) can account for a ninefold difference in employee engagement and commitment. Insights gained from our recent multinational study reveal that when employees have confidence in the board, they are nine times more likely to be engaged in their work and committed to the organisation. As a follow up […]

How to help staff love your company strategy


PIPER (People Insight Peak Engagement Research), a new study from employee engagement organisation People Insight, asks the most engaged employees in the most engaged organisations what exactly makes them buzz. This is the second in a series (see the first here) sharing the secrets from top performing organisations – practices and behaviours that we know have […]