Managers must start having ‘brave career conversations’


Recent research by Right Management found that two-thirds of managers are failing to support their employees’ career development. At the same time, according to Gallup’s ‘State of the Global Workplace’ report, 83% of UK employees are not actively engaged in their jobs. This means there are a lot of people who don’t find their work […]

Ramp up engagement with the ‘motivation tee’


Interested in employee engagement? We’re running a one-day conference on September 10th in London focused on the business side of engagement and how you can drive value across the whole organisation. Hear from people-focused CEOs, board-level HR directors and people experts and come away with practical, actionable tips to improve engagement efforts in your organisation. Find out more […]

Exploring employee engagement at

486487059_thinkstock_wavebreakmedia_tugowar recently ranked #7 best small business on the Great Place to Work Best Workplaces list 2015. In this interview we ask their founder and MD Chris Morling some questions on their culture and why they think they ranked so highly. What’s the fundamental reason you ranked so highly on the Best Workplaces list this […]

How to cure the nightmare of booking travel


It’s the call no HR professional wants to receive. A scheduled flight crashes in European airspace. Your CEO is on the phone immediately with a single question: did we have anyone on that plane? In theory, you can answer your chief exec within minutes. Most larger businesses use travel management companies (TMCs) with traveller tracking tools […]

Exploring employee engagement at Admiral


Admiral Group recently ranked #4 on the Great Place to Work Best Workplaces list 2015. In this interview we ask their Head of People Services Ceri Assiratti some questions on their culture and why they think they ranked so highly. What’s the fundamental reason you ranked so highly on the Best Workplaces list this year? […]

Engagement myth #1: the same strategy works for all


Interested in employee engagement? We’re running a one-day conference on September 10th in London focused on the business side of engagement and how you can drive value across the whole organisation. Hear from people-focused CEOs, board-level HR directors and people experts and come away with practical, actionable tips to improve engagement efforts in your organisation. […]

Six steps to taking control of pay


Pay can be tricky. If pay is not understood, or feels unfair, it will demotivate. Regardless of the amount! So, how do you take control and stop reacting to those who complain loudest? 1. Choose your stance – as a company, do you want to pay around the going market rate? Most do as base pay […]

Using engagement to rehabilitate young offenders


Employee engagement has so many benefits for both the individual and the company – the oft-repeated facts are out there: companies are more productive, employees more fulfilled; creativity and innovation soar. Customer service is better. Staff are less likely to take sick days. And so on. In a 2014 McKinsey article, Redefining Capitalism, Eric Beinhocker […]

Are you ready to come clean on executive pay?


With average pay increasing at about 2% and the impact of deflation, most workers should be starting to feel the squeeze on their wages easing. But at the same time, the gap between their earnings and executive pay is widening at a faster rate than ever. The pay gap could be the bitterest aspect of […]

Why engaging the employee is great for the customer


It is well chronicled that the UK isn’t close to the top of international league tables on productivity and employee engagement. The Engage for Success website notes the sobering statistics: ninth out of the 12 largest economies for engagement; 15% below average for productivity. This is despite the research that demonstrates the fairly obvious and […]

What I learned in prison about behavioural change


For a decade, behaviour change expert and author Nik Kinley worked as a forensic psychotherapist, trying to change the behaviour of hardened prisoners. In brief article he shares what it taught him about people and how it helps him now help people in organisations change their behaviours. I spent the first six years of my […]

How do you get things done with no managers?


I was recently on a trip to the UK and managed to spend some valuable time with my 92-year-old Grandpa. Over a good cup of tea, we discussed a wide variety of topics, including the difficulties of the Dutch language. The majority of our time was however spent discussing my work and how I work […]

“The skill set of the HR function will shift.”


This is an interview with Nigel Sullivan, Group HR Director at TalkTalk. Nigel is also a non-executive director at the Royal United Hospital Bath and was previously Group HRD and Board Member at Wincanton, VP HR at Marconi Communications and HR Director at Nortel. You’ve been at senior HR director level for over 20 years now. […]

“You often get change done to you. That never feels very engaging.”


This is an interview with Mark Henn, Head of Department, Asset Development, Transport for London and Drew Barritt, Lead Trainer, A2B Excellence. Transport for London won the Public Sector award at the 2014 Employee Engagement Awards. If you had to pick a reason why you think you won the award, what do you think it was? Mark […]

“Our next challenge is retaining new talent.”


Regine Buettner is EVP HR Global & Europe at DHL Express. She is an international HR executive with over 20 years of experience. Prior to joining DHL in 2007 she was Senior Vice President HR at Deutsche Telekom and, before that, Senior Vice President HR of T-Systems. 1) What are your biggest challenges now around attracting and retaining […]

“We are really big on continuous improvement,” says Las Iguanas’ Angela Da Silva


This is an interview with Angela Da Silva, HR Manager at restaurant chain Las Iguanas, who won the Reward & Recognition Award at the 2014 Employee Engagement Awards. In this interview we delve into the company’s approach to engagement and tease out key learnings to help others bring an evidence-based, joined-up approach to their engagement […]

The world’s happiest jobs and what they tell us


The Guardian recently conducted an analysis of nine different occupational surveys to find out which professions report the highest levels of happiness. What do the results tell us and how does poor managerial direction can interfere with natural engagement? The jobs that appeared the most often in the top 10 of each survey analysed were […]

Germanwings crash: we must keep up our progress on talking about mental health at work


The Germanwings tragedy has brought mental health to the forefront of people’s minds. Unfortunately, this is mostly for the wrong reasons, thanks to the sensationalised reporting which dominated the media. Much of the coverage linked mental health with dangerousness – demonising those of us with experience of a mental health problem such as depression. We […]

When yawning costs you money


We all know how it feels to come into work after a poor night’s sleep; it’s hard to think clearly, we’re slow to respond to things and we lack creative energy. What usually results is a slow and unproductive day and we only get back to normal once we’ve slept well again.  However there are […]

A personal perspective on life without managers


Is the concept of working without managers just another passing trend? Or can it really work? I would argue the latter. By profession I’m a Marketer. My primary responsibility is to expand our business through content marketing, and to help shape and build our brand across Europe. Originally I was born in the UK and […]