Greatest extension of workers’ rights or a great big headache for SMEs?


Theresa May’s announcement today is being heralded in some quarters as the great expansion of workers’ rights. So does this mean it is unfriendly to SME businesses? We don’t think so – the one thing businesses do not like is uncertainty and we now know that the EU-based employment laws that we currently have are […]

The sharing block: how restricting employees from sharing ideas is holding back business


Communication and collaboration have become much-used terms in the business world, highlighting the importance of interaction between colleagues and those outside of the business, including customers, partners and suppliers. But new research strongly suggests that employee collaboration and engagement with the rest of the business is severely lacking. Although technology has created numerous ways to […]

Is your dress code fit for 2017?


Recently the media has been full of reports about MPs calling for tougher laws on dress code discrimination. Gary Cattermole, Director of award-winning employee engagement and employee research provider, The Survey Initiative, discusses why the issue is so vital and provides advice on how to create an inclusive dress code in your organisation. I think […]

Gig economy: what’s its place in the future of work?


In this five-part series to understanding the gig economy, we’ll look at a number of topics: What is the gig economy? How to integrate freelancers into a talent acquisition strategy The challenges of managing a freelance workforce Address skills shortages with talent pools and the hidden workforce Gig economy: what’s its place in the future […]

Address skills shortages with talent pools and the hidden workforce


In this five-part series to understanding the gig economy, we’ll look at a number of topics: What is the gig economy? How to integrate freelancers into a talent acquisition strategy The challenges of managing a freelance workforce Address skills shortages with talent pools and the hidden workforce Gig economy: what’s its place in the future […]

Gig economy: the challenges of managing a freelance workforce


In this five-part series to understanding the gig economy, we’ll look at a number of topics: What is the gig economy? How to integrate freelancers into a talent acquisition strategy The challenges of managing a freelance workforce Address skills shortages with talent pools and the hidden workforce Gig economy: what’s its place in the future […]

Gig economy: how to integrate it into a wider talent acquisition strategy


In this five-part series to understanding the gig economy, we’ll look at a number of topics: What is the gig economy? How to integrate freelancers into a talent acquisition strategy The challenges of managing a freelance workforce Address skills shortages with talent pools and the hidden workforce Gig economy: what’s its place in the future […]

Gig economy: what exactly is it?


In this five-part series to understanding the gig economy, we’ll look at a number of topics: What is the gig economy? How to integrate freelancers into a talent acquisition strategy The challenges of managing a freelance workforce Address skills shortages with talent pools and the hidden workforce Gig economy: what’s its place in the future […]

“The gig economy does not have to rely on denying worker rights.”


This is an interview with Erin Hatton, who  is Associate Professor of Sociology at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Her research focuses primarily on the sociology of work and also includes forays into race, gender, social inequality and law. Jamie Lawrence, Editor, HRZone: Can you contextualise the gig economy historically? Is it a […]

“You might be losing employees before they even start because of this mistake…”


Jamie Lawrence, Editor, HRZone: Employee Onboarding is a topic that’s getting a lot of attention these days by HR. What in your experience is the biggest mistake companies make when designing their onboarding process? Stijn de Groef, CEO & Founder, Talmundo: When we think about welcoming our new hires there are some aspects of the […]

Bystanders can’t do the right thing in employee relations


Your journey to work is disturbed by loud mouths, antisocial media and disrespectful behaviour. The warning signs have zero effect and your looks of disapproval are ignored. If you challenge one person, everyone will expect you to challenge the next person who steps out of line. You don’t want that pressure or the potential consequences […]

Redundancy recovery: how to get back on track


Redundancy is something many of us will have to deal with during our careers, and it's never a nice experience when it does happen – no surprises there.  But what may raise a few eyebrows is just how many people would choose to keep news of their redundancy to themselves. Almost half of those who […]

Mission impossible: how to ensure that no employee suggestion is left behind


Lord Kitchener’s famous pointing finger once pushed people towards the battlefields of World War One. One hundred years later, he’s pointing at you, me and every other employee to turn ideas into reality to make employee suggestion schemes a success. The moustachioed field marshal adorns office walls across the UK, using the ‘your company needs […]

Four leadership rules for the ultimate away day


Are you making the most of your leadership away days? We asked Gordon Rudow, Director of Organisation Engagement and Jeremy Morgan, Partner at Lippincott to give their advice on how to make the most of your development days outside of the office. Boards, executive committees and top leadership teams in virtually every sector and region are […]

Feedback: the gift that keeps on giving


Stuart Duff, head of development at business psychologists Pearn Kandola, shares his thoughts on the challenges of giving feedback and managing performance. Providing feedback: A leader’s greatest challenge? Feedback. It’s a hot topic across all industries. But still key for a business to progress and for employees to act effectively and develop. There are many ways […]

The state of family-friendliness in UK financial services


Over the last few years, academics and professionals alike have been documenting the gradual shift toward more flexible ways of working, in part facilitated by an evolution of Government legislation. Research has shown that flexible work can improve staff retention, improve morale and increase productivity. However, the definition of flexible working is broad and ill-defined […]

Return to work interviews: making them work better


Records indicate that the greater completion of Return to Work Interviews (RTWIs), the lower overall absence rates are. But many organisations fail to achieve a high RTWI compliance because their line managers are either: A) poor at the process or B) lack the confidence to talk to their staff about sensitive health issues. You could […]

Hello, Future: is there a place for retail workers?


We caught up with Doug Stephens, founder of Retail Prophet, on what role people will have in the retail market as automation hoovers up many of the manual tasks that retail workers have been doing for years. Will there be a place for humans in retail in the future? When retailers recognise the primary intent […]

SMEs can learn lessons from Sports Direct scandals


Setting up a business is undoubtedly hard but the relationships in a start-up are often relatively simple – as a business owner you have responsibilities to yourself and to your clients. When your venture starts to really grow, you take on another major responsibility, and that’s to your staff. It’s not just you anymore: it’s […]

“Our people are our principal asset and key to our success.”


This is an interview with Ken Gray, Director and Joanne Hellen, Business Administration Manager, at the Keil Centre, an organisation made up of chartered psychologists and ergonomists. The Keil Centre are the first organisation in Scotland to achieve Investors in People (IIP) Platinum status. We caught up with them to find out what they do that really […]