Modern Workplaces consultation: the view from payroll


Back in May, the government launched a four part consultation on Modern Workplaces to explore the pros and cons of four key regulatory proposals. These proposals comprised: the introduction of a system of flexible parental leave a right for all employees to request flexible working changes to the Working Time Regulations affecting the interaction of […]

Want wellbeing? Time to be flexible


According to the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), companies looking to make sure staff aren’t under too much pressure, should consider implementing flexible working policies, such as remote working. In fact, it claims that employees who work for organisations that offer flexible working practices are the happiest of all.  The Office of National Statistics reveals […]

Flexible working is for senior staff only, say some


Although 83% of UK employers now offer flexible working options, just under two out of five limit the benefit to senior personnel only.  This is despite the fact that 55% find that flexible working costs them less than more traditional office-based activity, boosts staff productivity (40%) and enhances staff motivation levels (36%) The survey undertaken among […]

HR not ready for future workforce headaches


The very different demands of Generation Y and an increasingly ageing workforce combined with a progressive move to remote and flexible working will generate a number of HR headaches over the next few years.  But according to an online poll undertaken among 262 facilities managers by employee satisfaction measurement tools provider Leesman on behalf of […]

Managing remotely – hands on, but hands on what?


The principles of leadership are no different whether you are co-located or virtual: the challenge – apart from adopting and practising appropriate principles, of course, is making them work in the virtual context. Robert Terry of ASK gives his tips on managing disparate teams in the first of a two-part series. What changes in the […]

Flexible working has the HR stamp of approval


The overwhelming majority of HR professionals back government moves to promote flexible working, with just over a third already having such policies in place.  According to a survey among 50 HR managers undertaken by time and attendance systems provider Amano UK, a huge 98% were in favour of their organisations going down the flexible working […]

UK loves flexible working – but not managing productivity


UK businesses are embracing flexible working policies, yet are risking the bottom line due to a lack of time and attendance systems to effectively manage productivity, says a survey. A survey of 50 HR professionals carried out by Amano UK found that 98% of respondents were in favour of their business adopting flexible working practices. […]

McDonald’s flexible football league

Flexible working picture

Flexible working is being utilised by McDonald's this World cup season to ensure staff are happy to fit their shifts around football. David Fairhurst comments on the ideas behind the policies. We have reported on McDonald's flexible working and apprenticeship policies before on HRzone, but having a great HR function in place is useless without […]

Homeworking: perfect your policy


Today an estimated 3.5 million UK employees work from home. This typically causes huge challenges, not necessarily for IT departments, but for the HR manager specifically. How do you create trust and good working relationships when part of your workforce never or rarely goes to the office? Freedom Communications tackled these challenges by introducing a […]

Election 2010: Are you voting for flexibility?


The private sector used flexible working to reduce redundancy. Will the promise of flexible working legislation be a vote winner for the political parties this general election – and how will this translate into the real world of business? Before the election, Labour employment and welfare reform minister, Jim Knight, praised private sector employers for […]

Not enough UK firms are reaping the benefits of flexible working


Although nine out of ten staff would welcome the ability to work more flexibly, only 21% are currently doing so, despite the fact that a third have some form of caring responsibility. A survey among 20,000 office-based employees from 40 large enterprises in 14 industry sectors undertaken by management consultancy Advanced Workplace Associates, revealed that the […]

Fathers want employers to be flexible friends


While less than one in five men would be prepared to take all of their proposed new six month-long paternity leave entitlement, nearly eight out of 10 would be keen to go for a flexible working arrangement if their employer encouraged it.  These are the findings of a recent poll undertaken by YouGov and commissioned […]

Workers should not be held back by lack of part time work


A campaigning charity has joined the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions in calling for the creation of more part-time and job-share positions in order to give women and carers a fairer chance of employment.  But the call came as a study revealed that one in three UK workers were being forced to take […]

Flexible working for all – fantasy or reality?


A recent study by the Equity and Human Rights Commission has shown that some 20% of men in the UK were worried about asking their employer for flexible working because they felt it would harm their career.   While many firms claim to be ‘flexible’, are the practices they introduce sufficient to enable a truly […]

Hooray for homeworking


The majority of people who work at home get more done as they are subject to fewer interruptions and can fit work in with their other commitments more effectively.  These are the findings of an online poll among 350 full- or part-time home workers across both the public and private sectors undertaken by the Telework […]

Can you enforce your dress code?


Differing legal opinions on the implications of a crucifix-wearer losing her discrimination appeal against British Airways means that it is still unclear what dress codes employers may enforce without risk of litigation. Christian Nadia Eweida today lost her appeal against a ruling that cleared BA of indirectly discriminating against her on the basis of her […]

Top tips for offering remote working to employees


Apart from severe weather there are likely to be lots of other reasons employees may request remote working. Chris Nunn gives his tips on what to consider.    New year, new you or so we are led to believe. After the break many employees return to work fired up by recently-made new year resolutions. Having […]

Are your employees snowed under? Severe weather and its impact on business


There’s no business like snow business: but even in severe weather conditions there are solutions employers can put in place for employees to keep disruption to a minimum, says the CIPD. The severe weather already affecting much of Britain and school closures affecting parts of the country do not necessarily have to mean major problems […]

The key to creating a great place to work


Long hours, high workloads, out-of-date leadership style and cultures do little to retain staff. Flexibility and good leadership is key to a happy workforce, says Lynne Copp.   In the UK we work 46% longer hours than our European neighbours and are 27% less productive. Long hours and high workloads do not create successful businesses […]

Ten top tips: Working from home


The number of remote workers has soared in recent times, which presents challenges for both the employer and employee. Russell Evans has some top tips on how to ensure home working adds value and increases business performance. Increasingly more organisations are offering their employees the opporunity to work from home, as a means of reducing […]